Monday, July 1, 2013

She pulled back. ~You might as well enjoy it.~ She turned away. ~You should be experiencing the full effects soon.~

Full effects?
I wiggled my way up to the glass. ~Whatever you're doing stop it! Change us...~ Something off in the distance caught my attention. It was yellow. It drifted back and forth in the water current. Curious I swam towards it. What was that thing. My mouth opened and closed and I nibble on an edge of it. Plastic. Oh. A plant. Huh. It was a pretty plant. I liked yellow--wait what was that? I swam past whatever I'd been looking at moving towards the spire, but before I reached the castle decoration, I saw a shiny rock. Bright blue against the rest. Down I went to the gravel, mouthing all the while, trying to pick it up. To eat it. It looked like food. Shouldn't something in here be edible? Not the rock. huh. that was a nice yellow plant. maybe I could eat that. Wow it was tall. Maybe the top of it had food. No, wait, there's a green plant. it's taller. I'll go over there. It's green that should be food, no wait...ow. that was glass. I hit the glass. Why was glass blocking my way? I could see more plants, hey wait, there was a yellow plant. That looks interesting. I should swim towards the...castle. There's a cool castle. With a  dark opening. Can I go in, no I can't but I can definitely swim around that yellow plant.

Are you getting a sense of my new found problem?
A short attention span.
Like a three second memory.
A gold fish's memory.

That was the full effect of this transformation I'd gone under. To act more like a fish and not a human that was a fish.
And I couldn't stop myself.
Don't get me wrong. I wasn't stuck thinking that I was a fish. No, I was aware that I had been human and I could take temporary control of myself and think human...for a few seconds. It was difficult at best. Like getting a needle out of a haystack at the worst. Or pulling teeth, whichever one is more difficult. In any case, I had a severe case of ADHD. It would be more like ADHLAYP! (Attention Deficient Hey Look A Yellow Plant!)

Do you know how horrible that is?
I never haven't been able to focus before. And I couldn't focus! I've never been unable to just sit down and carry out a plan. Guess what. I couldn't plan! I couldn't remember plans I made unless I repeated them to myself, and then that plan could only be three seconds long. Yah. Those didn't last long.

But you know what my plan was?
Find my crew members.
That was it.
And I couldn't remember it over half the time.
Find my companions, find out where Billy, Jessa, and the others were. Figure out what animals they had become.

And I spent my days rediscovering the plants in my tank every time I turned around.
No wonder fish are content to stay in a little bowl.
They don't realize that they are in a bowl. They keep discovering new places to go. And if they bump into the glass....well maybe they'd realize then, otherwise it's more like a "well, I've gone as far this way as I can go, lets go on an adventure in a different direction!" sort of thought. If they thought that.

Horrible. Totally horrible. A nightmare in truth.
And that's what it was supposed to be. A nightmare.



  1. I suppose you want us feeling sorry for you, but at the moment I'm just enjoying the poetic justice of it all. The thief who stole from a pet store and got turned into a pet, the planner who got turned into a creature with a three-second memory... highly amusing. And before you get in a huff, obviously you're back to normal, you can't tell me that everything about being a fish was bad.

  2. You're very astute on the planner/three second thing, Mira. I didn't expect anyone to catch onto that yet. However, don't assume I'm doing this for pity. It's more of my own version of a warning, but with more detail on what will happen to an enterprising thief.
    And the fish thing...well, stop by the shop and steal a couple of filters sometime, and you can tell me if you think being a fish is bad or not. Because personally, I'd rather have been an aquatic frog.

  3. What is the difference between a fish and an aquatic frog?

    1. By which I mean, is there really that much of a difference between a frog's memory and a fish's?

  4. Ha. You know. I have no idea, having never been a frog.
