Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Another Close Call.

Maybe I should actually sit on the sidelines. But I couldn't resist. Without Laser Tag to distract me, I have to do something besides get a headache from listening to the council bawling. So I snuck out.

It wasn't that difficult. After nearly two months of failure, even the most audacious of super heroes are losing interest in me. No powers. And then, the collar resists every means used to try and get it off. It's no surprise that I can sneak about. Or even out of this tower.

I wish Surge and Steel would have been fighting in the streets when I did so. I mean, to see Surge in person? So Icing cool! And if I could just hear their banter, hear his plan in person, maybe I could figure out his plan. If the icing mad man has one at all.

Maybe we'll wake up in the morning and find that he has suddenly switched to another super hero for no apparent reason.

I had a close call tonight. And who knows why they were still up this late. I ran into a group of guys with water powers over by the Laser Tag arena. What they were doing so far down away from the pool, I have no idea. They asked me way too many questions. Luckily, they thought I was just trying to get into the Arena. 


--> Issac


  1. So wait, just what were you doing sneaking around, Issac? I didn't peg you as a rule breaker!

    1. Oh Iris, Iris, Iris. Has your infatuation with Sonic clouded your mind? I'm not breaking rules. I just, bend them. How else do you think I got a laptop into the West Tower?

  2. I think you are missing the point here, Iris--what were those Water guys doing out of bed so late?

  3. That is a good question, Thomas. Were THEY perhaps messing with the arena.

    On a completely unrelated note, I haven't heard anything in the news about Surge lately. You know anything about this Issac?

    1. I checked later with the cleaning crew. They didn't notice anything out of the ordinary in the Arena. Everything was locked up. Besides I doubt the Waters could sneak into there. They tend to leave puddles everywhere they go.
      I haven't heard anything since Steel fought him at that Old Run-Down Fire Department, a couple of weeks ago. They're still working on replacing all those fire trucks damaged! They couldn't put out that fire Surge created until like seven icing heroes with water abilities came over and probably emptied the red sea to put it out.
      It's not surprising though that Sonic hasn't been in the news. He's unpredictable when it comes to fighting battles. Why have three battles a day apart (comics 12-14) and then disappear for two and a half weeks before trying to destroy that old Museum on Main Street? (comic 15)
      Is he healing from wounds? Is he in the middle of creating another device? Did he decide to go on vacation? Who knows his reasoning for going quiet on us.

  4. No. YOU GUYS are missing the point. NO ONE breaks rules for no good reason. I'm sure Issac will testify to that.

    1. Yah, it totally makes sense to hack into classified files to get blurry photos of 'Sonic' to post on your blog because you have a crush on him. That's totally worth breaking the rules of 'don't open this, it's classified.'
      What's up Iris? You're acting like I'm suddenly being controlled by Surge or something. Can't a guy be a normal teenager and sneak out? Wouldn't you do the same if you were trying to see one of Sonic's battles?

  5. Replies
    1. Read Steel&Surge #19 and then tell me that we're boring.
