Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I Hate Mornings

I can't believe Harvey!

I got up the gumption to ask him if I would have to get up early every morning,
and he said yes!
He wants me to be in charge of making the animal department look presentable every morning!

When I mentioned that school would be starting soon.
He told me that I would just need to schedule classes later in the day.

That is so. not. going. to. happen.
I like school just about as much as I like this job.
No, if I can't convince Harvey to let me quit, I'll have to convince him that I don't need to be there every morning. I can do school some days and work the other days.
As I'm so not going to spend all day doing something I don't like just to make Harvey happy.

He may be happy to have all the 'family' under one roof at work.
I'm not.
Afterall, we're not all together.


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