Monday, July 29, 2013

Why Does He Do It?

My time spent in the Laser Tag place, has not helped out my coordination involving other sports at all. It's a rather ice filled disappointment. Since I can't play the one game I could be good at, it would be nice to be able to play one of the other sports without tripping over my feet. I wish my powers would show up already. It's been nearly two months! With Surge's gift in creating devices, surely this collar around my neck would have brought my powers out in the first couple of days right? He probably would have to, I suppose, if Surge had been planning on catching a fledgling super hero like myself, and not one already at the height of his powers like Steel.
It seems like everything is tanking out here. Even the class on Surge is no longer holding my interest. Surprisingly, the super heroes don't know much more about Surge then what the comic books portray. Sure, Steel's input, when he's available is awesome. But this guy is a complete mystery. It's like he just appeared out of nowhere. And it's bugging me. Shouldn't there be libraries of information on Surge? Birth records, alternative names, places of resident.
It's no wonder he manages to slip out of Steel's fingers every time. I mean the only thing I can find that might be a clue to Surge, was that he switched what super hero he wanted to fight.
And I can't figure out that reason either!
Neither can anyone else, but that doesn't make me feel any better.
Surge fights four fights with the Captain, and then suddenly refuses to engage in him. I don't get it. Why the sudden change? I mean, Steel and The Captain react to the situations so similarly in my book that the only different appears to be their powers. Did Steel want more of a challenge in challenging a super hero that could fly? One that could reach him from virtually anywhere? Maybe if I'm left sitting on the sidelines long enough I'll puzzle out an answer.


--> Issac


  1. I don't know what it's like in your neck of the woods, but around here, our villains switch targets all the time. Generally, it has something to do with who they think is the most obnoxious/easiest to pick off.

    1. Well, it's not like that. Surge is the main villain around here. Sure, there are other less obnoxious ones that are around here too. I hear the heroes complaining about them on occasion, but they're predictable. Unlike Surge. You don't know when the ice will crack with this guy. He's the only one I know of to pick his hero. All the other 'villains" just have one show up depending on who's available. Surge refuses to fight anyone but Steel.

  2. A little ray of sunshine, aren't you Iris (hardy har har). I think Issac is on to something here. i mean, don't you read the comics? selecting one's arch nemesis is NOT a matter to take lightly.

    1. I know right? Considering she's fallen deep into the crevice for this Sonic hero, you think she's have a cheery out look on life or something.
      I can totally agree on the choosing too! You can't make a name for yourself if your hero or your villain isn't cool. Imagine if Steel had to fight "Rainbow man" or Surge chose to fight "Slime man." It would be totally icing lame. Steel and Surge. Now that's a match to make headlines!

  3. Ooo, I follow Surge! He's a pretty classy villain. And before you get started, Iris, yes I love Sonic, and he's great, and heroes are better than villains and all that. But still, one must admire a mortal with the tenacity and stealth that Surge possesses.

    If you learn anything more, Issac, please, post about it!

    1. I'll try! I can't guarantee it with all the 'hero' stuff I have to learn. But I'll see what I can post from the class on Surge. Just in case some people *coughIriscough* don't follow him.
