Tuesday, July 23, 2013

It Really Was Unexpected

I've taken to running around the football field during lunch. 'Practicing' I call it to anyone who asks. In reality. I just can't stand to sit through half an hour of lunch. I already have to sit still through the classes. Another place to sit. No thanks. I only managed it for like a week anyway before I took to roaming the halls, and that was quickly put to an end by over paranoid teachers who dislike seeing a lone student wandering around the hallways.

Apparently I'm not the only one who can't sit still during lunch though. I took a different route yesterday from the field. Actually by passing the gym on my cool down. It was dark, but that didn't mean it was empty. There was someone in there. Free climbing on the wall. No ropes or anything. Just climbing. Up and down and up and down, like a monkey in a tree.
On the hardest level.

Of course I had to see who it was. I mean, none of the other kids could compare to this mystery climber. 

Who was it?


The kid with the 'lame' arm. Well, it's not so lame. He can use it quite well. Now that I see it working perfectly, I can see how that burn scar works to his advantage. The marks all up and down his arm make it look like it's useless. In reality, he's lightly muscled. 

He didn't see me.
But I'm dying to find out why he too is hiding. Why does he pretend he can't climb, can't use the arm, when he obviously can?

It's been bugging me, unfortunately I haven't found a quiet moment to speak to him. Yet.

Catcha on the Flip Side!


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