Wednesday, July 17, 2013

It Doesn't Involve A Ball

Okay, so I may have been a bit dramatic in my last post. Don't sue me,  I can't afford that. Yes, I had to lay low for a bit, as I nearly got caught sneaking back in from sneaking out of the Tower.
-You can save the lecture on how foolish I was and that Surge could have caught me, blah blah blah.
But, that was just an excuse. You see, I got caught up in a game.
Yah! I finally found a sport in this tower that I don't end up falling flat on my face in. Which you would expect me to do in this sport.
What is it?

It's a really super glacier iced awesome version of laser tag!

See, that's why you'd expect me to fall on my face. It's mostly played in the dark.

You see, I ran across the game in the dark when I was exploring the tower (okay finding a way out of it, you can't blame a guy for not wanting to be cooped up all day long in the same place.)
Accidentally, I set the game off.

But, apparently, the supers haven't played it in the dark before! They always played this game in the light. Which is rather silly. I mean, Surge's battles don't always take place in the middle of a bright sunny day.

Yah. This laser tag, is like a glorified version of fighting heroes against villains.

The cool part? There aren't teams. There aren't sides. It's every man (or woman) for themselves, You can choose to team up with people, switch sides, work on your own agenda. It's awesome! We all get laser guns, there are fake targets of course that you can shoot at every few minutes to get points, but you get twice, three times, or even quadruple the points by hitting a live player, and depending on where or how we hit the player, we get more or less points. It's icing spectacular! There's a leader board and everything. Players just register, and then off you go. In a crazy obstacle course that must take up the entire base of the West Tower! It's like a video game on steroids. Awesome! It can get more complicated then that depending on what 'level' you are playing on.

I happened to discover the 'dark' level. Which is harder, since it's basically pitch black with few light sources to tell you were you are.

Strangely enough, my classmates, have never gone past like Level 4. There must be at least 80 levels if not more and most of my classmates haven't gone past Level 1! I don't get it. I mean this is the closest thing to fighting a super hero battle! You get to test out your powers, see how you can help or hinder others, see how well you would do against a villain's plan. I mean, they have some of Surge's plans actually as part of the levels!  And they're more interested in kicking a ball around the court.  

I don't get it. Something so icing cool, and it's apparently covered in dust three quarters of the year.

But, soon enough. It won't be. They have annual tournaments where at the end, the player with the most points gets to be a superhero's side kick!
Okay, it's not a permanent thing. But wouldn't it be cool to temporarily be at Steel's side solving crimes and defeating Surge?
I want to win this thing!

I've been spending the past bit practicing every spare moment I have. I mean, this is probably my one chance to show everyone I can be good for something. Because, unfortunately, I still have no powers. I'm the real underdog here. But just you wait and see. Come tournament time. I'm going to knock everybody's icing socks off.


--> Issac