Monday, July 22, 2013

She grinned widely. Giving me no comfort in what I'd just agreed to. It was a grin of triumph. ~I would seal the deal by shaking your hand Fishy Thief, but you don't really have any.~ She leaned the mop against a nearby column and stood, arms folded across her chest. ~What's your free question? I don't have all morning to stand here.~

I mentally exhaled. ~Alright.~ I hoped she'd be clear. I really did. ~We stole a bunch of items, and those influenced what animals we would become.~ I said choosing my words carefully.  

She nodded. ~Not a question, but nice little recap, I suppose. Already trying to get around your one question thing I see.~

I mentally threw up my hands. ~If I ask this question wrongly, you'll give me the wrong answer.~

She rolled her eyes. ~That is a possibility. But like I said, I don't have all day.~ 

I wanted to strangle her. Instead I took a deep mental breath and dove in. ~ What is your method to  determining the length of our sentence by what we stole?~ I asked in one breath.

~Oo, you are good at asking when stressed aren't you?~ She said, her fingers tapping on her arm. ~To the point, a bit long, but concise enough.~ 

~I thought you didn't have much time.~ Yet she was critiquing my questioning skills.

~I don't, I'm thinking on how to answer.~ 

~I see you're already trying to get around your end of the bargain too.~

She chuckled. ~Funny.~

For complaining about not having enough time. She sure took her sweet time in answering.
~It's a rather simple method.~ she said after an eternity of silence. ~You stay here as long as the items you stole are in the store. Once the last thing stolen is lawfully bought and paid for, you're free to go.~


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