Friday, July 19, 2013

~How does it work. Our punishment.~  I asked as the girl came by mopping the floor.

~I thought that was obvious, Fishy Thief.~ she said glancing to me. ~You steal something, you get changed into an animal, then you change back when it's over.~

I kept myself calm with effort. ~The items that we personally took influenced our change. Hence why I'm a fish, Hence why my friends are all different animals, hence why the plan we had worked in your favor. We're separated so we can't talk to each other. But how does it work? Why were our current forms chosen? How does your timing work? How come you won't tell me a straight answer on how long we'll be this way?~
Okay...maybe I wasn't that calm. I wanted answers. I had a partial key and I wanted the door to finally unlock.

She slowly mopped the floor in front of the tank. ~So many questions Fishy Thief.~ She remarked.

~And so few answers! Please, just give me a hint or something! It's not like I'm going to go anywhere in the near foreseeable future.~ Why did she have to be so difficult?

She leaned on the mop, staring at me thoughtfully. aren't going anywhere any time soon, I suppose.~ She suddenly grinned. ~I'll tell you what. I'll answer one question today.~

I squashed the excitement rising in me. ~I sense a But.~

~Ah, I do like you Fishy Thief. You see so clearly sometimes.~ She tucked a strand of hair behind her head. ~The But is this: If you want any more answers from me, you will have to answer a question I ask in return. You ask. I answer. I ask. You answer.~ Before I could respond she smirked. ~And, your answers need to be a 100% truthful. Deal?~ 

Of course there had to be a catch. I expected it. But why did she want answers from me? I was just a 'fishy thief' to her. ~My answers?~ I asked buying for time. ~What about yours?~
I suppose this arraignment wouldn't be too big of a deal to most people. It was like a getting to know you activity. Only, this could turn out badly for me and my crew if she asked me the wrong question.

She widened her eyes. ~I thought it was obvious mine would be just as truthful Fishy Thief. Do I need to spell everything out for you?~

~Not if you're being 100% truthful too.~ I replied. ~Your answers might actually be clear then.~

She laughed in my mind. ~Yet, you're still trying to find a way to get answers without me asking questions. I've talked to quite a few thieves, I know how you guys work. What secrets you want to hide.~

That wasn't comforting.

~Come on Fishy Thief. How strong is your curiosity?~ she cajoled.

Strong enough for me to consider this crazy deal. I hated not knowing. And the information I gained could help me and my crew when we were reunited.
But...what questions would she ask? It could be anything. Really. With her, it could be anything.

Still... ~It's strong enough, I suppose.~ I finally replied. ~Deal.~



  1. Wow. That's like entering a deal with Rumplestiltskin. Good luck with that.

  2. I know. It was a lot like that. I hated not knowing her motives or what questions she'd ask next. But...I had to get answers.
