Saturday, September 7, 2013

We Found Steel! Part 1

He's alive. Steel's alive.

There's so much, I don't know how to sum it all up, or explain it at all really. I still can't process it. Of course, it's only been a couple of hours.

But I think I may actually do okay at this super hero business.
Well, Devoto definitely would be the better hero. And I will probably die if I end up being his side kick.
But he was right. I do have powers.
Let me repeat that.

I just needed to come face to face with pure evil to do use some of them.
Yah. I ran into Surge.
The. Surge.

I'm literally shaking just remembering meeting him. His red eyes. His grey skin. Ice to the crevice he's CREEPY.

But I'm going to rewind a bit. Start at the beginning. Otherwise this post won't make much sense.

As sad as it was for Steel to be missing. I found a bit of pleasure in his disappearance. Not that he was gone! No! But, because the heroes were desperate enough to find him that they even let me, the walking time bomb, out of the Tower.
Can you imagine the freedom? Because I felt like it was freedom. Wandering around town, like any other teenager.
I wasn't wandering to the mall though. No. I was on a mission. It was like being a spy. Trying discreetly to ask if anything odd has been happening.

Ice, I have no idea what it would be like to grow up in this city. Because 'unusual' to me, is totally 'normal' to them.
"Have you seen anything weird lately?"
"Well, yah. The pipe bomber struck the Laundromat again. Totally destroyed another set of my clothes."

Another set. Wow. And these people take it in stride. Bad Guys and Superheroes are a common occurrence here.   
No wonder the few supers who went out to find Steel were having trouble.
Trouble is icing normal!

I can only imagine it would be like living in a comic book.
On one hand. Awesome! On the other, not so awesome if your have your possessions destroyed every other week.

At this point, I'd manage to avoid Devoto while I was outside of the tower. Mostly because I chose to go searching when I knew he was busy doing something else. Apparently he caught on to my ploy because he found me that day just as it was getting dark and the city began to light up.

And you know what he wanted to do?
Work together.
He had this crazy idea that my collar would somehow lead us to Steel.
I laughed in his face. Seriously. It's basically a hunk of metal around my neck. I've wandered all over this city and haven't felt any different.

It didn't lead us to Steel.
But working together. We found him.
I mean, Devoto has spent his whole life training to one day become a hero. So he has a better eye for 'out of the ordinary' then I ever will.

We were walking in the down town area to the south of the Tower, through all the sky scrapers that icing seem small now that I've actually been inside the tower.

And Devoto stopped in the middle of the street. Staring up. At one of the many office buildings. With a frown on his face that he gets when he's trying to solve a problem.
I know, because he frowns around me a lot.

"What?" I asked staring up at the sky scraper.
"The lights." he muttered.
I looked again. "They look like regular office lights."
He shook his head. "Not there." He pointed to a section of the building a third of the way up. Just below the eye level of the Tower. There were like six floors that were totally dark. "Look, all the other buildings have at least one light on each floor. Why not those ones?"
"Maybe, those floors are empty." I suggested.
"There's one way to find out." He broke into a run and right there in the open formed his floating icebergs and just like at the pool, he dashed up them. "Come on Sac!" he called down to me, impatiently.

Oh man! Cool moment right there. I ran up Devoto's floating Icebergs!
I have no idea when I decided to trust him. But trust him I did, because I didn't even hesitate to follow him up them. Wow. That kid has talent.

In a multitude of ways. We reached the first floor of darken windows and found them totally sealed. No way to open them at all. And we couldn't see inside the building either. It was like the windows were a facade.
But using the freezing technique he used to break into my room, Devoto cracked the seals on that held the windows in place and with a nicely placed icicle broke the glass so that we could get in.
That was when I realized. We were breaking into a building! "Couldn't we use the front door?"
"You think they'd let two teenagers in to this place? Especially if Surge is here? No way." he slipped inside. "Heroes have to break things sometimes too, Sac. Otherwise we'd never get past all the guards."
"But Surge doesn't hire guards."
"He doesn't hold Steel captive for over a week either." He retorted back.
True. Maybe Surge was switching things up.
So I slipped inside. I mean! come on! I could rescue Steel! It would be totally icing cool!

What it was instead was pitch black.
Okay, not 'you can't see your hand in front of your face' pitch black, We had just broken a window so that let some light in. But this place was totally creepy. Looking at the rest of the wall you couldn't tell that they were even supposed to be windows.
And what were we confronted with?
A narrow passageway.
And neither of us with a flash light.
Or cellphones. Devoto doesn't own one. I lost mine in the building collapse.
Yet, heedless of that Devoto went right ahead to explore the area.
I think he thought he'd be able to find a light switch.

I can see why he's still in training. Ice! What we did was totally stupid. Who in their right mind would go into an unknown room without something to light the way?

It's no surprise that we got separated.
The place was literally a maze.
Full of many different traps. Lean against the wrong wall and it would swing around like those haunted house movies, and place you in a different room. Floor boards would suddenly give way dropping you to floors below, or they would jerk under your feet sending you up into the next floor like an elevator with rockets on its base. Can you say total nightmare?
Seriously. It was. I quickly lost my sense of direction. And I had no idea where I was beyond the idea that I was among one of the six darkened floors. But with all the drops, spinning, and rises. I couldn't have told you what floor I was on.

This set up was totally crazy. Yet, if Steel was here, why couldn't he have just flown through the walls? I mean, he's icing Steel! He can punch through anything. He would only need to pick a direction and wham! He would eventually meet sky.



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