Thursday, June 13, 2013

Basically, I needed to find a job that would allow my highly developed observational skills to flourish, without me having to interact with people.
Apparently no such job exists. But I came close.
I got hired on at a biological lab, working to cure different genetic problems found in humanity, through the manipulation of genes in other biological creatures. My job was to check in on all the different creatures and note the consequences of the manipulation, if there were any.
It was a simple job. Vaguely interesting. I was a quick study. I mean there are only a few variations on how an animal will react to something, once I figured out those variations, the creatures were easy to observe. I became very good a predicting what would happen to them after only an hour after the manipulation. For everyone else it took them a couple of days to figure out what was going to happen. They still can't see what I saw, even though I'd shown them time and time again what to look for.

Martin Elek

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