Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Finally! Internet!

Did you miss me? Because I sure missed my blog. Who would have thought that the Tower of Awesomeness would be stuck in the 1920s! Seriously, this place has like NO INTERNET!
Luckily, I managed to get on good terms with the cleaning crew and one of the guys hooked me up with a laptop and I managed to jerry rig up an internet connection. Jeez. How do these guys survive without internet? That's like the world now! Most of these people don't have cell phones! Of course, most of them have telepathy or whatever and don't need them. They know very little of what's going on in the outside world. Everyone is so focused on learning how to save the city, the country, the world, that they don't pay attention to what's actually happening IN the world. It distracts the heroes. Makes them worry, and fret about what they Can't do to help out others. Yadda yadda. Basically this place seems like a glorified country club.
It's not. Well, for the adults it is. But for the teenagers like's a high tech high school. Bleh. I thought heroes simply were heroes. No school, or homework required.
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. I still 'get' to go to school. Ugh. and Super heroes have school YEAR ROUND! They do get like two weeks off every three months or so. But NO SUMMER VACATION? Didn't they have that concept in the 1920s? I'm sure they did.

Uhoh...knock on the door, gotta hide this.


--> Issac 


  1. So that's where you ran off to, I was beginning to wonder... So, just how long do you think you can hide the fact that you have a laptop?

  2. Until a technopath walks into my room, I suppose. But I'll have to see. I'm pretty good at hiding things.

  3. A school for supers, huh? I've never heard of one of these. Just what state are you in?

    And no jokes about living under a rock! Sheesh!

  4. I wasn't going to mention anything about a rock, but did you bury yourself in the center of the earth or something? There are super schools everywhere! Haven't you seen Sky High? Also, didn't your crush go to one?

  5. He's not my crush! It's healthy admiration is all!

    1. Sure it is, Iris. Just keep telling yourself that.

  6. You called him a 'masked hunk' in your blog. That's more then admiration in my book. You're totally crushing on him.

  7. It's no different than the level of admiration you have for Steel. Please.

  8. Touché. Though I've yet to call Steel a 'masked hunk.' Then again, he doesn't need to wear a mask to be a superhero. He's just awesome like that.

  9. ... You guys are really funny together.
