Friday, June 7, 2013

Billy thinks I'm crazy.
Billy: "I do not!"
Me: "Do too."
Billy: "Do not--hey are you writing down what I say?"
Me: Of course, you're reading what I write.
Billy: "Don't do tha--agh!" *stomps out of room and slams door.*

Ha. Well, that got him out of the room. Though since he's observant, he probably saw the web address and will come check out what I'm actually writing about once I get it posted.
Back on subject though. Billy does think I'm crazy. For wanting to write this all down.
Personally, he doesn't talk about it much. I think he's trying to forget the whole experience. Most of my crew is. But I don't want to. I know it was horrible. It shows that I can actually get too cocky. That things can go drastically wrong....And my crew has suffered for that oversight.

I suppose, most people in their first blog post choose to introduce themselves. My name is Henry. Until recently I was the head of a thriving business. With only five others that I had to pay...the pay was excellent. We got great leads. Great acquisitions. You could say we rolled in the dough.

It's pretty simple really. We were in the business of acquiring things other people needed.
(Billy has quietly opened the door, he'll be peering over my shoulder soon. For such a big guy he's really light on his feet.)
I would scout out leads and if my sources showed promise, I would plan out how it would all go down.
Billy: "Did you mention that you're only 19?"
Me: *rolls eyes* "You just did."
Billy: "It's important, that they know, you're such a young leader."
Me: "I thought it didn't matter my age."
Billy: "In real life it doesn't, here though you're going off like you're forty or something."
Me: "Or something."
Billy: "Hey. It's good to know. It shows how capable you are, to get a crew all older than you to follow you without question and trust your judgment."

In any case, my downfall--
Billy: "Not really a downfall, just a learning experience."
Me: "You acted like it was a downfall."
Billy: "Acted."
Me: "At first."
Billy: "Yes at first."

Me: Are you going to let me write this or will you keep interrupting me?
Billy: "You don't have to type every single comment I make while I read what you write."
Me: It entertains me.
Billy: "Obviously."

*rolls eyes.*
*Billy laughs*

My downfall came with a note tucked under the door to our place when I got home from a business trip.
Billy: "Under the door is really old fashioned, couldn't the sender have just used the mail box, or your email....You know, we never did figure out who sent that note."

Me: Do you want to write this blog?

Billy: "No."
--he's not a good speller.

Billy: "HEY!"
It's true you're not.
No we didn't figure out who sent the note.
I found it.

Billy: "And like a kid in the candy store you couldn't heed the warning."
Me: *rolls eyes* "I like challenges."
Billy: "You should learn not to accept every single one you get."
Me: .....yah, I got that.

So, it was a simple letter, I thought it was from a new client....
Billy: "Speaking of which, there's one waiting downstairs for you. She's getting rather impatient."

He always does that. I should have known there was a reason he came back up so quickly. I'll have to get back to this later.


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