Friday, June 14, 2013

The East Tower

I am so glad that the Technopath's live in the other leg of the tower. Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have been discovered my first post in my room. Whew. Hopefully I can continue to not worry about them visiting, as all their techno gizmos are with them on their side.

Oh. I keep saying 'their side, or leg.' And you probably have no idea what The Tower looks like do you? You know, unless you read the comic books. The tower,well the best way to describe it, is that it looks like Pie.
Not the food.
The math symbol.
Two gigantic skyscrapers with a horizontal connection at the top. This place is HUGE! I mean, you have to fit a ton of people in this place, it just needs to have moving rooms and talking statues and this place could totally be Hogwarts. It's so maze like.
The main thing to remember is that the West Tower -the tower I'm in, has all the athletic stuff going on. Race tracks, bowling alleys, rock walls, laser tag. It's a teenager's paradise! And as long as the activities have nothing to do with a ball (the ball has a bad habit of finding my face.) this place Rules! I especially like their version of laser tag, though the supers are a bit boring. They play with the lights on. What fun is that?
And I've discovered I've lied about the Internet. The tower does have the East building. That's where all the superheroes with technology based abilities live, work, study, and experiment. So, the Internet is all located over there. Weird right? Why only have Internet on one side of the tower?
I actually asked that question once I discovered it as, Today was my first day in the East side. I hadn't made it over there yet because everyone wanted to test my physical endurance first. In any case, they said that the wireless connection messes with the scoring gizmos of the different score boards they have there. Apparently they don't want people to hack into the system and cheat.
I guess if your more mentally gifted then physically gifted, you'd want to feel better by hacking into the system and giving yourself more points. By having limited tech in the west building they have better protection against cheaters. Whatever guys. Whatever. I'm going to keep my laptop in my room with its Internet connection. I doubt it would help anyone cheat. But if it does, that person would be awesome!
And speaking of which, the connecting tower bit, That's where the council lives. -The guys who 'rule' over the supers. I haven't seen anyone yet though. They're in the center over the gulf, and that section has been closed off. I'm sure I'll see them at some point. Everyone wants to see me. You know, because of this collar stuck around my neck.
Yah. That's still there.


--> Issac


  1. So no one's particularly concerned with the collar like, exploding in the very center of hq because... ?

    1. Well, he is kinda surrounded by a million other supers. I don't think they're all that afraid of him.

  2. Because dear Iris, like I mentioned a few blog posts ago, Steel believes that Surge doesn't know the collar survived the collapse of the building. He thinks it's buried under a million pounds of rubble with my cellphone and laptop. And Surge made said collar to CONTROL Steel. It's not made to explode.
    Yep. Ruby's right. They're not afraid of me. Well, unless I'm on a team, then my team is afraid of passing the ball to me. I've scored the wrong team, six times too many.

  3. Dude! Are you trying to put the Tower in more danger then it already is in? And I thought you were a comic nerd. Locations need to be kept secret.
