Saturday, June 8, 2013

My World Has Turned Upside Down

I still can't wrap my head around this. Could my life not have gotten even more awesome! First off, Steel came back this evening. Just before dinner.

What's with everyone visiting me around dinner time anyway? But he actually had time to sit down and answer questions! Aweeeee-some. Of course, I wish I could have done a total Q&A with the guy. I mean he is my favorite hero! But. I had other pressing matters on my mind.

The answer blew my mind. I'm pretty sure I've been sitting in bed drooling for most of the evening as I tried to process this.

You know how Surge and Steel were fighting in the building that collapsed?
Well...Apparently Surge had designed this indestructible control collar for Steel. Yah! Surge wanted to control Steel. Making him do whatever, and Steel would have been helpless! Under Surge control! And in typical Surge fashion. He didn't tell Steel what the remote control for the collar was, what it looked like, what it could do or couldn't do. It wasn't even in the room! Or so he said.

Well. Like in any battle, there was a struggle. Things didn't go to Surge's plan. 

And....I ended up with the collar around my neck.
I have a device made by THE Surge. Around. My. Neck!
That's so cool! But a big problem. You see, it's a CONTROL collar. and Surge hadn't told Steel what the remote was. So. I'm like a sitting time bomb. (No wonder the nurses didn't want me leaving my room) Surge could take control of me at any moment, and I would be powerless to stop him!
Totally not so cool.  
But, Steel believes that Surge doesn't yet know that I have the collar around my neck. I mean...the place collapsed. So Surge might think that the collar is buried under six tons of rubble or whatever. Right now they have supers out there trying to find the remote.
I hope they find it. Along with my backpack. I mean...there are only so many nurses computers I can borrow (The doc keeps his locked up now.). Yah. The only thing left to my name is the watch my father gave me. And only because I was wearing it.

In any case. While I was unconscious, I went under a variety of tests to try and get the collar off my neck. Obviously no dice. So for now, still a time bomb.

BUT! There is an added COOLNESS factor to being a Time Bomb.
Surge told Steel that the collar only works on people with powers.
I. Don't. Have. Powers. Wished for them yes. Have them no? Or so I thought.
Steel believes Surge. He thinks that my powers are just...dormant, and may never manifest. Which would be super lame. But that's also why I didn't know I had powers before now. Yet, with the collar around my neck, he thinks that they may now activate. Maybe.
I hope it's flight. I really want to be able to fly everywhere. Please oh please be Something Cool!

AND!!! Once I'm cleared to leave the hospital, I'm going to be going to the Tower! Where all the supers live. That way I'm safe incase Surge decides to control me, and if my powers do show up, I can learn how to control them in a safe environment.
I get to live at the TOWER!!! OOOOOHHH MAN!
But. Only for 8 months.
If nothing manifests by then, they likely won't manifest. And I can just go home. That would be a total bummer. So yah. Potential powers, living with superheroes. Once I get out of this hospital my life is going to go up to a level of awesome I still can't comprehend!


--> Issac


  1. Dude, I'm pro with tech. Maybe I could help you get that collar off? Only problem? You'd have to come to me.

    As for the powers, wait to see what they are before you get all hyped about them. And prepare for potential disappointment.

    1. Have to agree with Iris here. Powers are definitely NOT all they're cracked up to be.

  2. Well, once I'm given the go ahead to leave the tower, I'll have to come find you, that is, if all the different super heroes can't figure out a way first.
    I think the biggest disappointment would be to not get any powers, after seeing everything everybody could do. Even glowing in the dark would be cool, though I would suck at hide and seek...

    1. Dear Issac: if you wish to see the dangers of gaining powers, visit my blog:

  3. Dear Rubes; So far it sounds like your Grimm Supers are really cool! Still not seeing the 'dangers' Though I do wonder, if you far do those gems fly? Maybe you could use that as a weapon against villains coming to get you.

  4. Turn your world upside down? Come on, admit it. This knocked you out of orbit.
