Friday, June 14, 2013

Speedy Even On The Ground

Okay, I think I have this whole internet jerry rigged so it won't cut on me. I've tried to post like six times already, and I keep losing connection and losing what I wrote. Not cool.
But you know what is cool? The TOWER! Okay, my last post wasn't that flattering on the place. That's because they didn't have internet. Now I have internet. Now the place is nearly perfect! Having no homework would make it perfect. Knowing what power I have would make it perfect. No dice on that.
But, let's back track a bit. I actually was released the same day from the hospital that they said I might be released. And guess who picked me up? Steel! In a car. I didn't even know he owned a car. I thought the guy flew everywhere. Now I know better. It makes him even more cool. He can fly, yet doesn't mind driving super fast down the highway. Whew! He has a lead foot.


--> Issac


  1. So if Steel doesn't wear a mask, does he have a secret identity? Or does everyone know who he is?

  2. That's the genius of him! Everyone expects him to have a secret identity, to wear a disguise, but he doesn't. So when people see him, they assume he's someone else because what superhero would be out and about not in costume, and not in disguise?
