Friday, June 21, 2013

Happy Birthday

I guess it's only appropriate that I do something crazy on my birthday. That's when I can get away with anything. After all, it is my birthday.

Hey there. The name's Danny. It's short for Daniel. (I guess it can't really be short for anything else....) Though, if you call me Daniel, I'll tell you straight up that I will flat out ignore you. Danny's my name. Use it. And Dan would be my father. So don't use that either. Danny. Danny is my name.

You could call me a military brat. I grew up on half the bases in the country, I've moved twice as often as I am old if that gives you any indication. Yah, every six months or so we move.
We being my mom, dad and me. I've gotten rather used to the transient life style, and moving so much, I'm able to get away with most starting a blog.

And guess what?
Yep, I've just moved again.

Anyways, down and out with the dark and gloomy feelings that the topic of moving brings up to the surface.

We just moved from a Alaska to red rock country. Talk about a change of scenery! And total culture shock as well. In many ways the small town we've moved to is rather anti superstitious. I've never met people who were so down to earth and wanting to keep their heads buried in the dirt. "Nothing happens here." oh wait. "Nothing happens here." They don't have any unusual holidays, traditions, celebrations. I'm sure being in New Orleans at Mardi Gras would give them all a heart attack. After coming from super superstitious Alaska. This place is weirdness unto itself. You don't believe me? People here call a 'sandwich' two pieces of bread with some meat between it. That's it. Bread and meat. No lettuce. No tomato. No Mayo, Mustard, Ketchup, Nothing! They're such a plain folk.

...with their own hidden secrets.
But I'll get to that later.

I have my own secrets I gotta hide here.
It's not usually that difficult, I've had a lifetime to practice hiding them.

And it starts with a simple pair of sunglasses.

Happy Birthday to me. A new town. Just what I've always wanted.

Catcha on the Flip side!


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