Thursday, June 20, 2013

I pressed closer to my companions.
There were five of them with me, all of us piled in together. I didn't have a concept of counting then. The specific number, therefore, is for your benefit. Not mine. It didn't matter to me at that point how many of us there were. Just that they were there.
I stirred, opening my eyes. My stomach giving me the clear signs that I needed to eat. Food. My number one priority. I straightened my legs, sending one of my companions rolling off me, causing  domino affect among them all. There was a colored hut above my head, providing shelter from predators, but I couldn't smell any food in there. I had to venture outside of the shelter. Cautiously I stuck my head out of the hole, my ears swiveling constantly, checking in with my companions, on the alert for any sound out of the ordinary. 
There were sounds, I didn't recognize any of them then. Which meant they couldn't be bad sounds. So I ventured out towards the source of food.
For your benefit. They were the sounds of the lab. Beeps, sizzles, bubbling, snaps, the usual laboratory sounds one would find in a lab that did tests on animals. Yes I was still in the lab. Did I know it? No. Did I care? Then? No I did not. Like I said. Food was my number one priority. Survival. Eating meant survival. Therefore I wanted food.
I found it, by a clear thing that wouldn't let me go beyond it. I did try to get beyond that clear thing (glass) my little paws scrapping against it. I couldn't understand how air could be hard. But then I realized that the food smell wasn't beyond the hard air, but next to it, in a shiny grey thing. (metal bowl) I crawled into it, and there was our hoard. tons of food. Seeds, fruits, veggies, and delicious blocks of stuff that had it's own unique flavor. I grabbed one of the round ones (looked like cheerios but green brown in color) in my paws and set to eating that, a red fruit (apple), and stuffing my cheeks with seeds and more cheerios for later before scurrying back to my companions.
Time didn't matter to me. Where I was didn't matter to me. I ate. I slept. I ran around chasing my companions or on a wheel. I burrowed into the wood shavings, sometimes I tried to get past the clear air to no avail.
I'd always wondered what the 'simple' life would be like. Without noticing every little detail. Having little care in the world.
I don't like it. It's so boring and the same. Who wants to live a life of seeing without observing? I would be lying to myself to say it wasn't nice at times. But then again, it was only at times.
Of course, my keen skills didn't disappear in that gas chamber.
They were just funneled into other senses. Hearing. Smell.
All normal to me.
Like I said. My mind had disconnected from my consciousness.
Martin didn't exist.
Just me, in an animalistic form.
Whittled down to the basic survival instincts.
Martin Elek 

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