Wednesday, June 26, 2013

They weren't fine. My crew.
I wasn't the only one to get a rude awakening the morning after the heist.
They were all stuck like the Pet shop we'd robbed.
Who knew that Madam Shan's place had 'magic' as a security system?
I didn't. Nobody does.
Well, besides the thieves that have robbed the place in the past.
That's why I was warned away.
To prevent what happened to them, from happening to me and my crew.
Well obviously I didn't listen.
As I was now a fish.
A stinking goldfish!
~ WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? TO THEM!~ I demanded again.
I saw her shrug, the girl staring at me through the glass. ~You robbed us. This is the consequence. You didn't believe that there wouldn't be one did you?~
I obviously did, otherwise I wouldn't have robbed the place. ~Where are the others?~ I demanded wiggling up to the glass.
~They're here.~ She replied ~Not as a fish, banding you all together would be rather foolish wouldn't it? Luckily you made it easy for us, splitting your group up the way you did. Rather ingenious that.~
That didn't sound good at all. While I appreciated the compliment of my genius, I didn't like that I had actually helped them out in their madness.
~Let them go.~
She shook her head. ~In due time. For some, it will take longer then others. For now, Relax. You're going to be here for a while, you might as well enjoy it shouldn't you?~
Ha. Yah right. Enjoying being a fish? Never. Relax while I didn't know what had happened to my crew? Never.

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