Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The cops hadn't even left the station, that's how quick our heist was.
Two minutes, maybe three tops. We were in and out.
It's easy to be quick when you have a plan on what to take and what to leave behind.

Our spoils totally buried the kitchen table. Thousands of dollars of stuff. It was one of our most successful heists in the amount of stuff, even if we had stolen more valuable items in the past.

Yes. The heist had gone off without any major problems.
I was so foolish.
I should have known there must have been some grain of truth to that note.
Do Not Rob.
The place was a gold mine of lax security, items easily taken.
I should have seen that all wasn't what it seemed.

The first hint of our problems began with Sue complaining she wasn't feeling well and heading to bed early. Soon after, I noticed that everyone else wasn't doing well either.
Frankly, I thought that it might have been food poisoning. I mean we totally stuffed ourselves with pizza, Chinese, Mexican, candy, tons of know the usual celebratory foods.

I went to bed feeling well enough. Tired, but that was normal for me. All the planning, stress, and now I could relax and let Jess proceed with selling our goods.

I remember waking up in the middle of the night,
Having a hard time breathing.
My chest felt tight.
I was too hot -even though I could feel the AC going.
And my skin...just felt dry.

Frankly, I thought I was having an allergic reaction. I mean there were animals all over that pet store, and having never spent time around pets, I would have no idea if I was allergic to anything before our crime...

After tossing and turning, I finally decided that maybe a soak in the tub would help cool me down and relieve my itching skin.
The water did help.
A bit too much in some ways.
The last thing I really remember is closing my eyes and letting my head slip under the water to give my itching face some relief as well.....



  1. Hm, some truth to that note? Something about "do not rob" sounds pretty true to me.

  2. Come on, almost everyone will tell you not to rob a place. It's just a white lie to keep the timid away.
