Saturday, June 22, 2013

My Birthday Beginning

Thinking about it. I should probably talk about my birth....on my birthday. But then, that's the expected thing to do.

In any case. A brief run down on background.

My parents had been trying for years to have a child.
Nothing was working.
They'd tried it all, well everything that didn't cost a ton of money.
When I say they tried it all, I mean every home grown remedy that even hinted at them being able to have children.

I don't know how many diets, concoctions, and odd rituals my mom, and sometimes my dad tried out.
I'm sure that if they told me one for everyday of the year, they wouldn't have covered half of what they tried.

Yet. It happened.
My mom was able to conceive me.
She doesn't talk about it though. How it happened.
I have my own ideas, but I haven't had the heart to confirm it. She gets so pale whenever my dad and I touch on the subject. All my dad would say, was that my mom had gone out into the woods by herself in the middle of the night. And came back injured, crying, and desperate to be in my father's arms.

Yes...I have my own ideas on what happened.
After all, I have my own secrets I have to keep from her.

The night was rather clear the night I was born. If early in the morning. 4:25 am. June 21st. The summer solstice. With the addition of a full moon that night. Very mystical in some cultures. Full moons and solstices. That's part of my idea of what happened. I've researched different cultures, trying to find out answers. To why...why I have the secrets I do.

June 21st. My birthday. At least it was a clear night. Most stories seem to begin with "it was a dark and stormy night."

Catcha on the Flip side!


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