Friday, June 14, 2013

Pain. Everywhere.

Ow. Just ow. Can I just say I had no idea how hard it was to be a hero? It's like these guys train night and day, and poor little me -the uncoordinated with a ball, and prefers to read comic books- is totally sucking it up. It really doesn't help that I haven't had any abilities show up yet. At least then I could fit in a category and work on strengthening my power. Right now, I'm just hopping from place to place getting a well rounded and painful education. There are muscles hurting that I didn't even know could hurt! Like the one behind my ear. Or the one on the inside of my big toe. Everything is sore, and I've been so exhausted. Yikes. Just Yikes! Even the Technoside is a workout! Seriously, don't these guys have any 'fun time?' it's always about the competition for them. Who's the best at what. And me...not having powers...well I'm not the best at much.
Beyond getting experimented on. These past few days haven't been about failing spectacularly at the physical stuff. It's been the collar as well. I've been shocked and zapped, and poked and prodded more times then a cactus has thorns. All in the name of figuring out how to get this stupid collar off, oh and finding out my abilities. Which...I don't have yet.
It's more then that too. I didn't realize how...normal everything is. I mean, everyone has a power, but me. But it's a lot like my own high school I went to before this whole mess started up. There are clicks. Populars, sports guys, cheerleaders, brainaics, technopaths. Everyone has their 'spot.' It's so normal, that I'm a bit disappointed. Shouldn't the super kids be better then the rest of humanity? No wonder they have to go to school. They need to learn to be super. And here, I thought they were born with the superness already in them. Weird.


--> Issac 

1 comment:

  1. Come on Sac. We're kids. Who would expect us to be 'serious' all the time?
