Saturday, June 22, 2013

I've always been on the tall side of the spectrum. Not inhumanly tall like basketball players. But tall enough that it surprises me when I have to look up to someone, in order to meet their eyes, in a conversation.

Size didn't matter to me as I ran about my home (a cage). As long as I could climb up into the wheel and get it to move, I was exactly the right size.

And then the thing came in.
The first time I saw it, it reminded me of a snake. It was hairless, scaly. But had too many moving parts to be a head. I couldn't tell were the eyes were. All I knew was that it's grasping jaw wanted to eat me. Me and my companions scattered. Running every which way as fast as we could, getting anything, any object between us and the predator. It struck again and again, until with a squeak of pain, the snake but not snake creature struck one of my companions and lifted them into the air. The rest of us congregated into our colored home. Shivering. We were down a member.  

We'd lost one of our own.

The snake not snake was insatiable. Just as we'd begun to relax (forget about the incident) the creature returned, hunting us as we ran and scurried until it managed to grab another one of us.

I was the fourth one to be grabbed. I got trapped in a corner, as the home had moved to block my way. I cowered. Yes, I was afraid. Animal instinct rules emotions, I couldn't control them like I could as a human. and tried to dodge under the creature. It didn't work. Quick as I was, it was quicker. It's multiple moving parts closed in around me, cutting off any chance of escape. I got shaken like it was trying to swallow me. I fought. Fear would only hold me motionless for so long and bit down hard, my teeth digging into the creature's skin.
A cry came from a distance. Elsewhere. Desperately I bit down again and for my efforts, fell through the sky to land among the wood shavings. As more sounds were made.
"Are you sure you don't want me to try?"
"No, I can do this, you just don't expect these guys to bite that's all."
Trying to hide didn't save me. Once again I was picked up, Between two of the moving limbs. I struggled, trying to twist to bite back, but it had me by the scruff of my neck. Helpless. Something jabbed into my side.
Teeth. I thought. Venom. It was going to freeze me and then swallow me hole! 
I could feel something pumping into my body. And I gave a chattering squeak in pain.

But then, it stopped.
In a dizzying decent, I was placed back into the cage. Uneaten. If not unharmed. I ached from where I'd been jabbed. (by a needle)
I couldn't stop shaking until after darkness fell and my companions had all fallen silent.

I'd never been exposed to something that large before.

Of course it was a hand. And with the scaly skin, ragged fingernails like teeth from a saw, and general grimy dirt smell from them not being washed enough...It was Howard's unpleasant hand that I had faced. You could smell death from that hand. Oddly enough, I hadn't noticed how dirty they were as a human. His oily hair must have distracted me. For I'm sure we could have taken a nice chunk of it from his balding head and kept a fire lit for three days. Note to self, never shake this guy's hand ever again. Who knows what undiscovered bacteria lurk among the dried skin cells and forgotten dirt.

The thing that had attacked me had smelt of death. Like a poisoned plant and rotting frog mixed into one.
I also experienced for the first time how small I'd actually become.
His entire hand could make a fist around me, and his hands are almost girly in size.
As a comparison you could hold out your own hand. See your pinky? If I was lucky I would be as long as your pinky finger. If I wasn't, I would be a bit smaller then it in length.

Talk about getting a hit to my ego.

Whatever that thing was, I resolved to fight it every time it came for me. Biting had brought a response. So perhaps biting would prevent me from getting eaten.

Martin Elek

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