Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Wide Awake and Nothing To Do

The nurses came again like five minutes ago and totally woke me up. I don't understand why they have to test my blood pressure, or draw more blood when most normal people would be asleep. What's so important about my blood that they can't wait until 9 am and wake me up then? When they finally decide to tell me, I doubt there will be a good reason.
In any case, wide awake, and already sick of watching all the YouTube videos in the universe. (I'm totally not exaggerating.) I turned to a bit of entertainment. Blogging. What else will I do while I'm stuck for who knows how long here.  They haven't even told me why I'm in the hospital yet, though I think it has something to do with the odd silver collar around my neck--
Ugh. Gotta Go.
The Nurses Are Back. Good thing I wasn't trying to sleep or anything...


--> Issac


  1. You and me both, bud! I can never fall asleep with the rain pounding on my window like this. Maybe I'll go hide in the basement again. ~Iris

  2. Maybe if I found my way to the basement the nurses wouldn't keep bugging me....and the doc would let me keep his laptop for longer periods of time. Otherwise, seems like a damp place. But if it's raining outside where you're doesn't really matter I suppose.

  3. Oh please don't tell me that you live in that Forks place.

  4. Oh Issac, you don't have to live in Forks for constant rain. Just the Pacific Northwest. Sunny days are a rarity here. Not that I'd be able to enjoy them even if they weren't.

  5. Well, at least it's not forks. Though if you continue to sparkle, Ruby, I may just have to refer to you as a vampire in any case. Ha. It seems to me you're taking your confinement a bit too seriously (checked out your blog)Surely you could go outside under a tree, or hang out on the roof on those rare sunny days, couldn't you?

    1. And set myself up for a violent kidnapping? No thanks!

  6. Live a little Rubes. Villains won't stop at your door and go "Oh, she's inside, we can't kidnap her until she comes outside, let's go get a drink somewhere and wait." Once you're found, you won't be safe anywhere. Might as well go have fun and not live in fear of what 'might' happen.
