Saturday, June 8, 2013

I know what you do for a living.
How you will take up any challenge presented to you.
This note is to warn you.
Under no circumstances, should you rob Madam Shan's Pets For All Occasions.
It may appear to be a humble pet store on Main.
It's not. Do. Not. Rob. It.
You will regret it.
All thieves do.

Okay, I admit it. I laughed at that note.
A building that I should not attempt to rob?
That was like dangling a candy bar in front of a chocoholic and telling them they can't eat it.
Of course they'd grab the candy bar!

I was such an idiot.
Billy even warned me when he scouted out the pet store.
Something was off.

But like the cocky fool I can be.
I ignored him.
And planned the robbery.

Yes. I said robbery.
I mentioned last post that my crew and I acquire things.

I never said it was a legal enterprise.



  1. Seriously? Rob a Pet Store? I'm stuck in one for the foreseeable future and you wanted to actually come into one? Dude. I would have just stayed away! Gone and robbed someplace cool, like the Smithsonian or something!

  2. Boring. The system is easy enough to crack. I already robbed the place what...four times? The underground vaults were my favorite. They're still not sure what all was taken.
