Thursday, June 6, 2013

No Rodrigo Don't Do It!

I Need An Override Remote. I'm sick at staring at the soap opera's playing in the middle of the day. Where are the sports? Where is the discovery channel? Come on guys! I'm not some old lady infatuated with what's his face's face. Give me some action before I die of boredom!
And here I thought the coppers would be over as soon as the sun jumped through my window. Well guess's nearly dinner time and still no cops. I wish the nurses would be more like them, I don't like their hovering. It's like they're waiting for me to suddenly go into cardiac arrest or something. Plus, this random silver collar around my neck itches! If it's supposed to support my neck, it's doing a horrible job.


--> Issac


  1. Wait wait wait. Silver collar?!

  2. Yah. No idea what it's for. Nobody will tell me. But it's definitely not mine. I just can't figure out how to take it off. That's probably the point though. If patients could just take it off then it wouldn't stay on, and obviously it needs to stay on for some reason otherwise it wouldn't be around my neck.
