Sunday, June 23, 2013

Too Much Energy For My Own Good

I'm a rather hyperactive guy. Not ADHD hyperactive. I just tend to have more energy then hours in a day. The only time I've been able to sit through a movie would be when I was sicker then a dog. Luckily, those days are far and few inbetween as it's pure torture to be confined to a bed. I want to be out and doing.
Unfortunately, as a kid, with boundless energy. I had a hard time sitting through school. Recess was my sanctuary and the teachers quickly learned to use that as a reward for me. If I didn't sit still, I wouldn't get recess. The longer I sat still, the longer recess I had. Sometimes if I was really good, I would get to stay out for two recesses -most of my schools were big enough that recess was divided into two sections.- Frankly, I think the teachers were hoping to wear me out by letting me stay out longer. Unfortunately for them, I don't really have a 'worn out' setting.
High School has been a bigger trial. I mean, now my grades count for something. For my future. And I don't get recess to distract myself. Obviously P.E. every other day does not help me out at all. Not when I have to be in school for 8 hours in a day. I mean, I can sit still and not be distracting to others, but five minutes between classes isn't enough time to lower my energy levels enough to be able to sit through the next class.
Unfortunately, this new high school I'm going to, isn't as flexible as others have been in the past. Again, it's the 'old fashionedness' of the place. You get one P.E. Class, that's it. It totally stinks.
But I think I've found a 'reward system' that will help.
It's called Track and Field.
All those hours of running laps around the field in elementary school are paying off now. They don't say anything about after school sports. And in Track and Field...I'm excelling. There is no limit in this area on how many events I can participate in, so I'm in heaven every day after school. That's my reward. Sit through class, be able to run for a few hours after school. Plus, It's much nicer to run down here in the better weather. Alaska was nice, but with the constant storms and coldness, running isn't as relaxing as it is now in Red Rock country. We're far enough south to have mostly sunny days, but far enough north that it doesn't get in the 100s that often.
Totally, perfect conditions for running! I love this!

...I just need to be careful to not over do it.
Because apparently, this town isn't fond of overachievers. it's not a good thing to be good at too many things.
Still, as long as I can run. I think I'll make it through the school day.

Catcha on the Flip side!


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