Tuesday, June 11, 2013

I've also been fired from more jobs then I can count. Not because I'm a bad worker, I'm rather dedicated to my work. It's because as one coworker said "He gives me the hebeejebees." To be fair, that coworker gave me the 'hebeejebees' as well. But he didn't end up getting a pink slip. Do you know how hard it is to explain in an interview that you end up getting fired for 'knowing too much?' Unfortunately, I can't just pull a Sherlock and a) have someone else pay for me to live in my apartment and b) solve crimes and get paid for it.
I would love to be more like Sherlock and work with the police on murder cases and the like. I only have one serious. Serious problem.
I can't stand the sight of blood. And guess what? Crime scenes usually have that everywhere.
It gets so bad that I can't look at Tomato Sauce or Ketchup without getting queasy. That's why you'll never see me eating pizza. And I avoid Italian food with a passion. However, I love French fries, and when I can stand the sight of ketchup, a big platter of fries with the red stuff is great! Most of the time I can't though. Yet fries without Ketchup taste...too salty. Lucky for me, one of the workers at a local hamburger joint stumbled upon a solution for my red problem. He mixed up some ketchup and mayo turning the red stuff...pink. It sounds gross I know. And it can be if you get the wrong ratio of ingredients together. But when it's mixed just right, I can't get enough of this stuff. It's tasty! It almost replaces ketchup. Almost.

Martin Elek

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