Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Back To The Algae

I'm almost done.
I have to keep telling myself that.
I'm almost done.
Almost done with totally cleaning out the bazillion different cages in this forsaken pet store.
I was going to start on the birds today,
But Harvey had a different idea and wanted me to return to cleaning out the fish tank system now that he's ordered in a part that actually works -and that Annemarie is back from being sick so I don't have to play cashier.
Luckily some other guy had to install everything to get the water bubbling and flowing again, because I am so not that type of person to install something....and use up all the pieces.
I have to admit, there is something satisfying in scrubbing algae dots for forever and ending up with a clean tank. It sparkles. It shines. It looks like its brand new!
And...then I remember I have twenty something more tanks to coax into being just a clean.
If only I had seven dwarfs to help me clean, or the fish would cooperate and help me with the maintenance of their home.
For now though, I don't see my fingers recovering from their withered prune look for a while. Sad day.
But hey. I'll take it. It means that I have to avoid the 'snow' covered catastrophe that's the bird cages for a while longer.


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