Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Some Reveals

"Did you move here too then?" I asked at the next practice. 
Jake shook his head. "No, I was born and raised here."
Well there went that theory. He wasn't an outsider He was an insider.
Why was the insider pretending to be an insider when he was already an insider? He shouldn't have had anything to hide. So why was he hiding behind a bum arm. It wasn't for sympathy. He was a wallflower. He didn't draw attention to himself. Nobody even mentioned his scar. So it was something older, something taken for granted, something nobody noticed anymore. How long had he been hiding his ability to use his arm then. And why?

"You look like a dog chewing on a bone." He remarked.
I chuckled. "Just trying to figure you out Jake."
He gave a faint smile. "Maybe I'll figure you out at the same time."
I cocked my head. "Figure me out?"
"The sunglasses."
"Medical use. It's figured out."
"No." He shook his head. "There are too many inconsistencies."
"'re not going to share your theories with me? I have heard a bunch of them over the years."
"No, not yet." He got to his feet. "I figured I'd wait for you to slip up. Then tell you my theories."
"You'll be waiting a long time then." I said, also standing. I couldn't afford to slip up. Especially in this town. I could already see torches and pitchforks if I slipped up.
"Well maybe I'll throw you a bone then." Jake shrugged. "And see if you'll give me one in return." He stood totally at ease. "People here, don't believe in miracles. They try to find a rationale explanation and if they can't, they assume the person lied. They're making it up. Tricking them in some way. And people here, don't like to be tricked."
I frowned. "So being able to use your arm...would be seen as a miracle?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"Because, Danny, the doctors told my parents I would never be able to use it. And here, the doctors are held in high esteem." He shrugged. "Their word is basically law."
I barely stopped myself from gaping at him. "Well...that's the crazy." And I thought these people were more down to earth. He couldn't use his arm because the people would see it as being...bad? Harsh.

"It is a bit." he agreed. " I get a bone?"

I hesitated, and shook my head. I made to walk past him, but paused. Wary of the others on the field with us. "I don't need my sunglasses." I said quietly, not looking at him. "Not for the reasons I've given."

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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