Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Devoto's Break In

Thanks to Devoto, I now have a pounding headache on the ten scale to add to my list of illnesses wracking my body right now.
Seriously I think the guy has gone crazy. I mean what other hero in the building would sit outside my door and constantly freeze and unfreeze the locks on the door until they broke? Yah! He did that! I didn't even know that was possible! But apparently it was because he came barging into my room like an elephant running from a mouse. To my overally sensitive ears, OW!! Talk about torture. I didn't realize I was sensitive to noise until that particular moment.
Now that he's gone, I can admit, getting into a locked room that way was freaking ingenious. I just wish it wasn't my door he'd tried because now it's unlocked and he can come waltzing back in whenever he wants to.
Ugh, I don't know what I did to catch his interest. I doubt it's guilt. Maybe he wants to prove that he can figure out my ability before all the others.
Unfortunately, he must be onto something. Seriously, I wish it was Steel figuring things out, not this kid.
But he's onto something.
"Did you know that Super Heroes don't get sick?" he asked me, as he loomed over me, dripping water everywhere.
"Then I must not be a super then." I shot back. "Cus I'm obviously sick." He surely had to notice my hoarse voice, my shaking body. I've been sick before, I know what it's like.
He rolled his eyes at me. "Lemme finish, Sac."
I don't like his name for me. It's Issac. Not Sac.
"Super heroes don't get sick. unless." He grinned at me. "Unless they don't use their powers for long periods of time."
Well that was great to know. Seriously it was. No wonder Steel could constantly fight Surge. But I didn't see how it applied to me. -Fuzzy brain remember?
"Uh...cool?" I managed. "How does that apply to me?"
"Think of it Sac. That collar of yours triggered your powers. Steel says so. They just haven't manifested yet."
"I noticed, what does that have to do with supers not using their powers?"
"Everything Sac!" He grinned. "The episode on the diving board may have finally brought you to the edge. I mean, I've known supers who've tried to hide their powers and not use them. But they can't for long. It just builds up in you. And the longer you let it build up, well the more likely the hero is to fall sick. Because your body can't handle the stress of not using your power. It's like...well it's like trying to hold your breath. Eventually you have to breathe! That or you fall unconscious. Well when a super doesn't use his power he doesn't go unconscious but he does get sick! Think of it Sac. You haven't had any powers show up since you've arrived. But you've been healthy til now."
"Til you tried to freeze me to death," I shot back. "come on Devoto, I've never heard of this." Seriously I hadn't. Not even in the comics!
"No, I just brought your powers to that 'need to breathe' point! You're sick. You're totally showing all the super sick signs of someone who hasn't used their powers in a while. And it's right on time too. Most supers can't last longer then two or three months without using their ability, and you're right on track for that."
Honestly, if this was true and he wasn't stringing me along, it would be great. It meant there was some sort of power in me. Something I could use. If it ever icing decided to manifest itself before I became a comatose shaking vegetable!
However, there was one problem. "You keep saying I haven't used my powers in a while." I managed. "But, in case you hadn't noticed, I've been trying every means possible to get my powers to manifest and still nothing has shown."
He nodded. "Oh, I know. And I have a couple of theories on that."
I rolled my eyes. "And I'm sure you're going to tell me." It wasn't like I could go anywhere. I was his captive audience for the time being.
"One." he ticked the list off his fingers. "That collar of yours somehow is preventing you from manifesting your powers."
"I could believe that." I slowly agreed. "If it can control me, I'm sure it could prevent me from using my powers if I have any."
He nodded. "Two, Having lived like a normal person for so long, your body doesn't realize that it needs to do anything different. You're self sufficient, even if you are slow, and that's how you've always been. There's been nothing to trigger your power into action yet. It has to be something that makes you desperate enough to try whatever means necessary to accomplish it. Like trying to save your own life."
I shook my head. "Well, I must have a high desperation level since the supers have tried everything they can think of to get me to manifest my abilities."
He chuckled. "Come on, really? Sac. You've worshiped the ground the heroes walk on, you knew they wouldn't let you die. You didn't need to try whatever means necessary. Until," he smiled "You met me."
He had a point there, I did think I was going to die.
"And because of that, your body tried something different. Which triggered you getting sick. Triggered your powers to manifest. If this is the case we just need you to make those roadmaps back to trying that 'something different' again."
I grimaced. "I'm not climbing that high dive if that's what you're getting at."
"Even if that means you finally manifest your powers?" he shrewdly asked.
I glared at him. "Next theory." I said shortly.
He shrugged. "Three, you're purposely not using your powers to get out of the tower."
"No!" I struggled to sit up in bed. "You're crazy.. you think I purposely...you're crazy! I don't like being the only kid in class who can't do anything! More then any one I just want some ability to appear! I don't want to spend the next six months not being able to do anything! If I can get a power it would be a dream come true."
Devoto shook his head. "It's just a theory, Sac. Relax. "
"A horrible theory."
"Not as bad as my last one." he shrugged. "Which would be...you are just sick. No powers whatsoever."
I glared at him. I hoped I wasn't just sick. If heroes only got sick when they weren't using their powers, I really wanted to be in that category. And not to have powers, that was my biggest fear. "I think theory two would be the most likely out of all that."
He grinned. "Good. So do I. We just need to trigger you again and again to the point where you actually manifest something."
"Hold on, We? Who's we?"
"You, and me, of course."
"Shouldn't Steel?"
"I have his permission to try." he grinned at me. "Like it or not, Sac, you're stuck with me."
I definitely didn't like that. I wanted nothing to do with this kid, but if it got me my powers.
"What are you going to try then?" I asked warily. 
He shrugged.. "There isn't much you can do while you're this sick." he remarked. He studied his fingertips. "Of course, there is the matter of payment for helping you out."
"You know I don't have any money! Besides, you may not be able to do anything."
He chuckled. "Oh I'm confident I can help you. I've already helped you once."
I didn't like that look in his eyes.
 "I still don't have money."
"Ah, but you do have....this." He scooped up my father's watch of the stand. I went cold.
"That's my dad's watch. Give it back." I said shakily.
"Ah, a father's watch. No wonder you give it high value. I've never seen it off your wrist before." He held it up to the light. "Odd design isn't it."
"It's from overseas. A gift! Now give it back! You can't have it." I struggled to my feet.
He smiled, ice spreading from his feet. "Make me."
I glared, wobbling. "Devoto." I warned. "Give it back!"
"Words can't make me do anything Sac." He undid the clasp. "It will be a nice addition to my own watch collection."
I was sick, and he expected me to take the watch from him? When he could freeze me into place? But I had to. It was the only thing I had left of my dad. "Give it back Devoto!"
"Still words, Sac. Do you not care about it that much? Your Father's watch and you're just going to let me take it without trying?"
He held it out. "Then take it from me. Or it's finding a new home on my wrist." He suited his words by doing just that, turning his wrist over so he could hook the clasps together.
"GIVE IT BACK!" I jumped at him, my feet slipping on the ice.
I don't know what he did. It had to be some sort of Vulcan grip thing because suddenly my head was exploding like an atomic bomb and I was screaming in agony.
Seriously it icing seemed to go on for forever!
I found myself huddled into a ball in a puddle of water. my head feeling super clear like a crystal but at the same time, I had a dull ache of a headache behind my eyes. "What....did you do?" I demanded when I caught my breath.
"Triggered you again." Devoto replied calmly. I looked up at him to see my dad's watch on his wrist. He grinned. "Thanks for the watch Sac. I'm sure it's going to be payment enough for doing this." And he turned and left me. Just like that. Left.
Devoto took my watch! What kind of super hero in training does that?! Sure supers require payment upon rescuing someone, but this. This was mean. Evil! Cruel. It's all I have of my dad and now he took it from me when I was at my lowest point. Why? None of the other kids had required anything of me when they tried out their ideas. And all he'd done was get me more miserable. Both physically and emotionally.
I definitely don't like this guy. There's something not right about him.
--> Issac


  1. Wait, wait, the supers in your city require payment? Doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose of super heroes?

  2. Well, yah, they do. It's their full time job after all. They rescue people, and they get paid for it. Just like police officers, doctors, and lifeguards get paid.

  3. Sounds to me like this Devoto kid has the makings of a villain. I hope you get your watch back soon, Issac.

  4. I'm not a villain! Geez. If he can get it back from me he can have it back. But until then, his attempts have been rather lame. He'll have to do more.
    Just consider it a test of how well of a hero you would be Sac. Can you actually get the watch back from me? Or will your next plan backfire just like your other ones?
