Saturday, August 17, 2013

No Slacking Off For The Sick Guy

It's rather unfortunate that school life decided to continue on without me.  Because now that I'm basically better, I have to play catch up on everything that I missed in class. Not so much fun. And the stress of a deadline to get everything completed by isn't helping at all. I mean, I just icing got better! How do they expect me to do everything they want me to do in that tiny time frame and still remain healthy? No. I can totally see myself moaning once more in my pillow, sick as a dog by the end of this.

Plus it gets 'better.' Not.
Devoto has 'offered' to be my 'tutor.'
Somehow, I don't see me getting my homework assignments done with him around. Instead, he's probably going to be giving me more Vulcan headaches in his quest to get me to reveal my power.

Which might not be a bad thing now that I think about it. Maybe if we do figure out what I can do, I can get out of a couple of homework assignments.  




  1. Let's take bet's on Issac's possible power! I think it'll have to do with fire!

    1. I don't think Devoto would like that with all the time he's 'investing' in me. Ha, but I might since I don't like him or his gang. Fire against water. That would be fun.

    2. That would be annoying. We wouldn't be able to see each other at all. Too much steam.

  2. Oh no, it will definitely be ice. With the waters jump starting his power, that can't be a coincidence.

    1. I'm going to have to agree. None of the others have taken as much of an interest in me and my powers as the waters have. Still nothing shown yet. But it's probably only a matter of time if Devoto knows anything.

  3. Oh! I do hope he gets something unique! Like controlling shadows!

    1. I would love to have something unique! Controlling shadows would be cool, I could hide in them, or blind my opponents with them. There are lots of possibilities with shadows now that I think about it.

  4. Or maybe, controlling Baking ingredients--with his obsession about "icing"

    1. Ha. Ha. Very Funny Iris.

    2. Iris. You are awesome! I like your wit. Maybe I should try sticking him in the kitchen for a couple of hours.

    3. Don't encourage her, Devoto. Or get any ideas from her either.
