Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Madam Shan refused to let me disengage though. How could I ignore her? She basically held the future of me and my crew in her perfectly manicured hands. One wrong step and we'd be stuck in that shop for the rest of our lives.
~You're upset.~
Great observation really. I forced myself to swim in circles around the tank. At least I didn't have to look at her all the time.
~Should you not be relieved your...friend will make a full recovery?~ She asked.
~Oh I am.~ I snapped back. Cool. I had to stay cool. ~I don't like that I was tricked.~
That's what the girl had done. She'd tricked me into revealing information about my friends. I felt betrayed and the worst part was that if she came to me again, claiming one of the others had fallen ill. I would have to believe her. My crew's safety was of utmost importance to me. It grated. Grated that they had found a hole in my defenses. Grated that I could do nothing to get the crew away from this shop.
Tricked. Me. The Leader. I should have seen that it was a trick! Agh. It had to be the stupid fish memory interfering with my thinking.
Madam Shan circled the tank with me. Watching me as I fumed. For the first time I wished that I was a smaller fish. I couldn't fit into any of the holes or caves the decorations offered. If I could, I would have gone in there to avoid her. I'd wondered what she was like, wanted to see her, but now that I had, I would be happy enough to not see her for the rest of my sentence. Her authority was hard to ignore, and ignoring her could be to my crew's peril.
~You are remarkably skilled at this.~ Madam Shan commented, ~I would think that you've been shape shifted before.~
I mentally rolled my eyes. ~Not to my knowledge, unless you do brainwashing as well?~ Sure, we could talk. Conversation might help to calm me down.
She smiled again. ~It's a remarkable balance you're achieving. Letting the fish have it's say, but you keep your mind human enough to still respond to what I say.~
~Probably not a good thing, if I say the wrong thing and you control the length of my sentence.~
Had she visited the rest of my crew as well? I couldn't very well ask her. If she hadn't thought to visit them, I wouldn't remind her to try to. Who knew if they would hold their tongues or continue to demand to be released. This was a woman you didn't demand from, or order.
~I don't hold grudges on words, Henry. You may have a free tongue around me.~
A free tongue? Hadn't she just told me that she could extend my sentence if I antagonized her? Still, if she was just going to stare at me... ~Then I'll be predictable and ask that you let my friends go.~
~That is predictable.~ She agreed. ~You don't include yourself in that demand. Do you want to continue your offer to take Larry's sentence off his hands and take the rest of your 'friend's' sentences too to ensure that?~
I paused to actually look at her. ~If you need a scapegoat, I'll willingly volunteer.~
She shook her head. ~Henry, you are admirable in your generosity, but each thief gets their due.~
And my brief flare of hope faded. ~Can't you make an exception? It's not like they'd ever know that you let them go early.~
~Would they not be concerned about their youngest member not being released with them?~ she asked.
Ooh I had to tread carefully here. One wrong word and she'd know who the ring leader was....if she didn't already. ~Does my answer really matter if you're not going to do it?~
She tilted her head to the side, like a predator studying it's prey. ~I always consider the thief's ideas on how to get out of here earlier, Henry. Your group in particularly is fascinating to me. So many different minds, and just as many different ideas, yet, not an apparent leader.~ Her eyes razored in on mine. ~But you, Henry, constantly insist that I release everyone else from their punishment. While the others focus on themselves only. Why is that?~
My mind went blank. What could I say to that? I had my reasons for being concerned for my crew, but did I want Madam Shan to know why? No. No I didn't. But how could I not answer the question when her eyes demanded one of me.
~Maybe...they're still upset about their forms?~ I limply replied.
~They could be.~ she conceded. ~But from day one, you've asked for their release. You've sought how to get out of this situation.~
I worked to get my mind back into high gear. ~Maybe this is my way to avoid going crazy.~
~Your shortened memory could prevent that.~
She had me there. I could be remarkably carefree when I couldn't remember anything.
Her fingers tapped on her arm. ~You keep many secrets, Henry.~ She said at last, giving a tiny nod. ~I will be interested to see which ones end up staying secrets in the end.~
She left then, our audience at an end.



  1. Okay, this woman officially freaks me out.

  2. Tell me about it. It's hard enough to deal with her as a human, let alone a fish that's half the size of her head.
