Wednesday, August 21, 2013

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I wonder if I'm only going to do this when I'm stuck in traffic. It's basically the only time I really have time to think beyond 'to do lists' actually. There isn't much else I can do in bumper to bumper traffic.

I really can't believe I'm already done with my third day of school. Already everything is merging into a new cycle of crazy.  

For one. We have a Hollywood Super Hero going to our school this year.
Literally. She's both.
Annalina Aileen
A Hollywood actress.
And a super hero.
Though I would put quotations around the 'super hero' part. She has powers, but I haven't heard of her rescuing anyone in or out of the movies.
What's her power?
I would call it being 'super sparkly.'
Because she sure blinded me our first day of school.
Blinded me into walking right into her. Which apparently is the biggest sin in the world. To mar up her perfectly glowing complexion.
My first encounter with a super hero in person, and I've already made an enemy of her. She threatened to send me a bill for scuffing her glowing white heels. I really hope not. Who knows how much a pair of shoes costs for the Hollywood girl. Even if it was only $5, which I totally doubt, I wouldn't be able to afford it. My money needs to go to my mother's bills, not some stuck up girl who wants to 'experience the real world' and already has more money then she knows what to do with.
With all her 'adoring' fans surrounding her from those first moments she walked in, I can only hope that my blunder into her has totally faded from her memory.  


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