Sunday, August 25, 2013

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I hate seeing her like this. Her once round face, gaunt. Nearly just skin pulled over a skull. Her hair she takes so much pride in, has dulled. She's hooked up to a respirator today. Whatever is wrong with her lungs must be acting up again. At least, in this new room she's been moved to, the walls are painted her favorite color. Peach.
"Hey Mom." I knocked on the door announcing my presence.
She looks up from her book and smiles, her brown eyes lighting up. Giving me a glimmer of the healthy mom I hadn't seen in years. "Alex! You came by. I was beginning to think you wouldn't."
"I got here as soon as I could." I replied, giving her a hug. She's so bony. Even with all the meals she eats, she's continuing to lose weight. I wish I could get her out of here, take her on a hike, like we used to do.
"Already partying are you? It's only the first week of school." she teased me. "When do I get to meet your girl friend?"
My cheeks heat up. "I don't have a girl friend, mom."  And I wasn't partying either. I was working. But I didn't want her to worry about me working too much.
She tapped the side of her nose with a bony finger. "But you have girl problems. I'm a mom. I know this."
It must be a mom sense, because she sure picked up on a lot. Luckily she hadn't picked up on the bills...yet.
I exhaled. "Well, I don't think I've had a worse first week of school."
She patted the side of her bed. "Come tell me all about it. Classes, the girl or girls, and just all of it in general."
Honestly, I think she missed being at school herself. It was full of drama. And she loved that. "Well, we have a well...super star going to our school this year." I said gingerly sitting next to her.
"A super star? Like she thinks she's god's gift to mankind?"
I chuckle. "I'm sure she does, but it's more she's famous. Her name is Annalina Aileen, she's a new upcoming star in Hollywood." I grimace "And I had the misfortune of getting on her bad side the first day of school."
My mother grins in anticipation. "Famous star, and you run into her. This sounds like the makings of a fun love story."
"Ew! No! Mom!" I make a face at her. "Why would you want me to end up with a selfish brat like her?"
"You never know how she'll turn out Alex."
I shook my head. "She threatened to make me buy her a new $300 pair of shoes. Just because I scratched them. I don't think she's going to turn out well."
"Ooo a diva." she laughs. "You have all the luck don't you, my son?"
It didn't seem like luck, it seemed like a serious of misfortunate events.
I rolled my eyes. "Oh yah. Tons of it. I haven't told you the best part yet."
"And what's that? She's making you her body servant?" She winks.
I lower my voice. "She has powers. Something to do with light."
My mom didn't miss a beat. "So when you ran into her you gave her a good zap in return right?"
I should have known she would take it that way and I grin despite myself. "You know I didn't."
She raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you become such a gentleman?" she gently patted my cheek. "Well next time, zap her. It might help to make her more likable."
"Or land me with a court case." Though I had been tempted a time or two to do just that. Zap her. Show her she wasn't the only unique person at school.
"Details!" she waves a hand in dismissal. "In a dismal view as well. She may just get impressed."
Whatever. There wasn't much in that girl's head besides shiny shoes and lots of admirer's hanging around her. "Maybe, but I think I'll avoid zapping her."
"For now."
"For now." I agreed.
She winked at me again. "Alright, so you got on a popular girl's bad side. It shouldn't be too hard to fix that. How are your classes? Did you get Old Greyson for English? I had him when I was your age and he such a bore."

It was good to distract myself with chatter about school, it seemed normal. As normal as it could be with monitors beeping all around us and nurses coming in occasionally. But I couldn't keep from listening to the ticking clock. And all too soon. I had to go. This time I had the excuse of school work and need of sleep to pull me away. I hated giving her the excuse that I had to get back to work.

"Oh, Alex...before you go?"
I turned back from the door. "Yes Mom?"
She gave me a sheepish smile. "Could you brighten the lights a bit? It makes it easier to read the small print in the books they give me."
I glanced up to the lights and tapped in mentally to their frequency. The changed from a pale yellow to bright white in an instant. "Better?" I asked looking at her.
"Yes. Thank you." she made shooing motions towards the door. "Go, you need sleep for school tomorrow."
"I know, I know. Bye mom." I had no intention of sleeping anytime soon, but I could humor her.
"Love you."
"Love you too."


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