Saturday, August 3, 2013

People, People, Everywhere.

If this is what being popular is like, I really don't want it any more.
I can't seem to walk anywhere by myself any more and it's weirding me out. I mean, I use to be able to walk through the halls and have barely anyone talk to me,
Now, it takes me like two hours to get from one end of the hallway to the next. I don't even have a break now! There are people lined up outside my door waiting for me to come back from 'changing my clothes' to try out their ideas. And it's heading towards midnight!
Yah, Steel told the students yes. As long as I came to 'no harm' from their ideas. Or do them in the presence of a superhero. So. Not. Cool. 
Unless one of their crazy 'non harmful' ideas actually gets my collar off. Then that would be totally cool!  




  1. You'll have so much fun, Issac :}

  2. I haven't been having fun recently. Mostly I've just been really sick. So there hasn't been much to post on.
