Thursday, August 15, 2013

Surge On The Odd Rampage

Well, apparently I have been living under a rock. Or well, moaning into my pillow for the past week.
Because Surge has been active!
He's struck three times this week! And I missed every single battle! Ugh! Why did I have to get sick now? It could have been epic!

I mean, first Surge struck at the local drive in theatre on 5th and 9th and takes every single car there captive! I still can't get a clear answer on how he did it. But he basically fried every car's engine so that they wouldn't start, and then he laced an electric field through the whole parking lot. And that field had enough juice to fry a turkey! No one could escape without being fried. And of course, Steel couldn't just switch off the power grid. Somehow Surge wired the whole thing to a different unknown location in the area. But try as Steel could, he couldn't get Surge to reveal the location. He couldn't even catch Surge! The coward resorted to using dummies and mirrors so Steel never found him. And like most of their battles, Steel had to resort to using his head. So he got some rubber gloves and lifted every single car off the electrical grid and placed it outside the danger zone. That was like 200 cars! At least! It took Steel the rest of the night to rescue all those people!

And you know what's odd? Surge didn't even stick around! Who knows what was going on through his mind. I mean, he sets a trap. Doesn't even give Steel a time limit and disappears. He didn't even try to fight! Steel just had to spend the whole night rescuing the trapped people. He barely had enough time to actually find the 'off' switch. Which was an oven in the food shop there! Seriously. Steel had to turn off the oven and walla! Field of death disappeared. Steel barely had enough time to return to the tower to get one of the techy supers the heads up about the field of death so they could dismantle it before Surge struck again!

He must have run from one plan to another to get this second one rolling, because he was up with the bakers. Literally the bakers.
Switch in an oven.
Bakers. It was an unobvious clue at the time. I mean, Surge doesn't leave clues! Yet he left the switch hooked up to the oven, and then went and took over the old Cakester's Bakery on the edge of town? What is he planning to do? Bake a huge "Happy Birthday Cake?" 
Not quite.
Unless he wanted the center to be Steel.

They met in the big bakery area. With vats of batter and frosting and who knows what else cooking. I mean one wrong step and either one of them could have been swimming with the sugar.
And keep in mind. Steel had just come from lifting like 200 cars to safety! He hadn't slept all night.  

Though now that I think about it. I wonder if Surge slept at all. Does that guy sleep? Does he need it? Ugh! I wish we knew more about him.

At least this battle was straight forward enough. Surge had another method of controlling Steel. Apparently he was hoping that exhaustion would make Steel slip up. It didn't work. It sounded really messy though, and I can't wait to see it reenacted in comic format because it sounds epic. I mean, first Surge dumps a whole vat of brownie mix on Steel, making it hard for him to see, let alone fly. And then Steel nearly met his demise when his exhaustion caused him to fall towards a container of frosting. Which wouldn't have been a big deal, if it had been regular frosting. But no, it wasn't just frosting. It was boiling sugary frosting. A sugary heat trap of death.
Steel could have totally died because he couldn't see. But Surge, taking it as his moment to get his new controlling device on Steel. -Apparently it wouldn't be affected by brownie batter-  and the two of them ended up tumbling through the air, missing the vat, but the ensuing battle destroyed half the plant as Steel worked to catch Surge and Surge worked to get his device around Steel.

End of story? Surge escaped again. The bakery is short three vats, an oven, and it's west wall, and....Steel managed to get the controlling device!  I'm told that it looks like a high tech pair of handcuffs, but again there was no remote. Yet. STEEL MANAGED TO GET THE CUFFS!
There's hope yet. Now that we have something similar to my collar to experiment on, the heroes are again hopeful that they'll be able to figure out how to get my collar off me. I mean, they can do the more dangerous experiments without worrying about harming me. Just to see if those will work and if it does, how they can modify it so it won't hurt me.
Of course, this isn't full proof. Surge wasn't as forthcoming about this device. So who knows if it actually does the same things my collar does. Maybe we're all just hoping it does. I think I'll wait and see if it actually ends up being the same thing before I get my own hopes up.

Since I'm still recovering from being ill, the supers (if not Devoto) are giving me my space. They want me in top shape before they start comparing our two devices together.

I hear that Steel slept for nearly two days after that. And that he's still combing brownie mix out of his hair.

But then Surge struck again.  Tuesday Evening. About sunset. I wish I could have seen this! But I was recovering from the headache that Devoto gave me. Grr. Apparently Surge put on one giant noisy light show all over the city. He managed to set off every single fire alarm in the city. Don't ask me how he did it. I'm not even sure the techy's know how. But he manage it. I'm told it made enough of a racket to penetrate even the thick walls of the tower.
And, no one is sure what the point of it was. The heroes are still trying to figure it out. Steel spent most of the night and the next day flying over the city trying to find a source for the disturbance. Yet, nothing seemed out of the normal ordinary. What was Surge playing at this third time?

What I wouldn't give to get into Surge's mind for thirty seconds. Because from outside of his mind, it totally doesn't make sense. I would say he was venting his frustration at loosing yet another 'super controller' to Steel. But, why wait a couple of days to do so?

I really don't know. But I want to find out!




  1. I love Surge! He may seem crazy, but I'm sure he's up to something spectacular!

  2. Sounds to me like Surge is panicking about something.

  3. Surge never panics. He's always frightfully calm and collected. It's definitely some sort of master plan. Keep us updated, Issac!

    1. Yes. Surge never does anything without a reason. If he appears to be 'panicking' there's a plot behind it. For icing sure.

  4. Megan's right, Iris. It's what makes Surge such a great villain. I'm no villain fan or anything, but I do appreciate that this guy can give such a good fight to Steel. Otherwise, the comics would be incredibly dull. Let's NOT bring up that issue with the Cheese Colonel ever again.

    1. I think I just gagged a little. Thomas! Why did you have to bring up the Colonel? Ugh. He was totally one of the most annoying villains ever. Who in their right mind would care that much about smelly cheese? I still remember when he turned all the water irrigation ditches into cheese lined ferries of milk for all the farmers in my home town. That smell didn't disappear from the surrounding fields until winter! I've never looked at Swiss Cheese the same way after that experience.

  5. Replies
    1. Now that I think of it. The UNDERLINER! had to be nearly as bad. At least the Colonel only dealt with smelly cheese.
      Hey Iris, maybe the UNDERLINER! could become a minion of Evil Evil. He's annoying in a similar fashion.

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  7. I mean. Oh you poor thing. You were giving everyone on your floor a headache from how loud you were moaning.
