Monday, August 19, 2013

Not That Easy To Talk To Him

Jake and I have something in common.
We love to run Track and Field.
Though the dude is so adept at being a wall flower, it took me like two weeks to realize he was on the team. It doesn't help that our classmates help him in being a wall flower. It's not like they're purposely ignoring him. No, it's an absent minded sort of thing. Like they don't realize he's there.
For a kid that has a scar that's pretty obvious. No one seems to react to it.
Seriously these blokes are blind when they don't want to notice anything that isn't 'normal'

In any case. I ended up working with him today in our warm ups. He's rather quiet. Not prone to talking. Soo I broke the ice.

"You're quite the climber." I remarked, as we stretched.

A flash of confusion crossed his face. "Climber?" he repeated. He finished strapping his 'useless arm' to his chest. He puts it in one of those sling type things to keep it from flapping about when he runs.

"Yah, climber. Rock Climbing."

He shook his head. "You must have me confused with someone else."

"I don't think so, unless there's another guy with a scar wandering around."

His eyes glinted, "You're joshing me. I can barely make it up the rock wall in class."

" class." I agreed. Emphasizing that last part.

Unfortunately we got interrupted then. It's hard to talk when you have to run ladders as fast as you can. But I did catch him looking at me more then once. Warily.
Interesting. Why would he be wary of me? 

Catcha on the Flip Side!



  1. Gee, I dunno, maybe because you caught him in a lie?

  2. Haha. Yah, I suppose that would do it.
