Sunday, August 11, 2013


I thought I was getting better. But I think I'm getting worse again. I can't stop shaking. It's like the cold from that ice exposure sunk into my bones and is trying to get out. I feel like I can't control my muscles at all. Even typing this is hard. Ugh. Ice. I have to wonder if I'm really sick, or is maybe this is a sign that Surge is trying to take control of my collar but the reception's bad? What does it feel like to be controlled? Does it start out like this? Feeling sick? Maybe it's a good thing I locked myself in my room to where no one can get me and I can't get them.


--> Issac


  1. Hm, maybe those waters were on to something after all...

  2. Nope. You're doomed Issac. Accept fate, and just think: It'll be fun destroying the city!

    Seriously though, Ruby might be on to the fact that maybe the waters were on to something. Might these be your powers? And I don't mean the ability to get incredibly ill on a whim.

  3. I really don't know at this point. Perhaps I will get some sort of water power. Devoto definitely seems to be on the right track in any case. Since whatever he did on his visit yesterday, has helped me to feel better today.

    I'm not going to be a villain, Iris. Never. They always loose. I want to be on the winning side.
