Sunday, August 4, 2013

Where the Teenagers Don't Like To Go.

I never thought I'd be glad to get toddler duty. But iced to my core, I'm really glad to get toddler duty. Sure I'm a sitting duck if any of the kids decide to use their powers, but it sure beats being bombarded with the curious day in and day out. Especially those waters. Something is up with them, particularly that Devoto kid. They've tried all they can think off to get me to reveal my powers, and it hasn't worked yet. I mean, they're used to being in the water all the time. So they're super quick. Me. Not so much. I swim about as fast as a rampaging snail. To which frustrates them to no end. But I mean come on. I've never been a pool type of guy. I like being out on my parent's boat. I like water skiing, but swimming? No, I don't think I'm going to get water powers. I'm just not cut out for it. Though that Devoto kid keeps trying to convince me otherwise.
No, I like the little mayhem supers. They at least don't care that I don't have powers. They only care about where their next snack is going to come from and how fast they can get it into their mouths.  




  1. So no one's figured out your collar, and all the adults are still stuck as toddlers? Dude, it sounds to me like your neck of the woods is suffering. Have ya'll thought about perhaps finding Surge and coming to terms with whatever it is he desires so that you guys can all get sorted out?

    1. Iris, Iris, Iris. Not all the adults are stuck as toddlers. Just the council is. So that's like a dozen adults. The rest of them are doing just fine and they're keeping 'our neck of the woods' safe from the various problems. The only person I think suffering the most from this would be Steel. Since he's the last council member left he has to be in charge of nearly everything.

    2. And it's not like we can hack into classified emails or anything and figure out where Surge is. The guy doesn't leave much of a trail. And what trail he does leave usually ends up being a false one. Steel hasn't ever discovered his lair. So I doubt I can find him, and who knows what he'd desire of me if I did. I don't want to be a pawn in his hands!


    1. Yes, I think Iris is crazy. And don't worry Thomas. I'm not surrendering! I don't want to be some puppet toy for the rest of my life. That is, if he has the remote. So far, I think I'd rather him think that whole 'control the superhero' plan was a total failure and not a partial success.

  3. Which is crazier: giving Surge control of the city with everyone back to NORMAL, or letting Surge get the city now that everything's crumbling apart?

    1. Things are still pretty normal here, Iris. At least I think they are, I've been sick so I haven't heard much that's going on, though I'm sure Devoto would have mentioned something if things weren't normal. It's not like Surge has control of the city anyways. There are still plenty of supers out there to help out. Besides. No one knows Surge's plan. Surrendering to him would definitely be crazy. I mean, if he'd wanted control of the city wouldn't he have turned everyone in the tower into a toddler and not just the council? That would be the quickest way to get control and I could definitely icing believe he could. I mean! HE SNUCK INTO THE TOWER IN THE FIRST PLACE! And even if I did surrender, who knows if Surge would actually make the toddlers adults again. Or even if he can. I mean if he controls the city, I doubt he'd bring the super heroes back to full capacity. So things wouldn't be 'normal' anyways.

  4. It is a tender situation. And speaking of Surge, has anyone seen him recently? I won't pretend I'm not disappointed that his face has basically vanished from the newspapers.

    1. I haven't seen him, but I haven't seen much beyond my pillow for the past week. I'll scope out news when I venture out in a little while.

  5. More power to you Sac for going up there. It's just painful for the rest of us.
