Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Poor Hands

It wouldn't surprise me if Tristen had drugged up the birds. Actually, since Annemarie is gothic, maybe she did it to them. That sounds like it would be her sort of thing. Because they sure have been acting strange, and evil!
Seriously it's like braving a windstorm of claws, feathers, and beaks whenever I stick my hand into any of the enclosures.
I mean, they would fly around like crazy before now. What else would you expect from birds that don't want to be caught? Even if I'm just sticking my hand in there to replace their food, or water, or the hay or whatever I need to replace. It was a whirlwind then. But now. Now, something is off.
Yet, I'm not sure my ideas would constitute a good explanation or what's happening.
The food looks normal, water comes from a tap....and I hardly see Annemarie over by the animals. While Tristen has been stuck in the back working on fixing up the damage caused by the storm. And Harvey, he could care less about the animals. As long as they're not too noisy, and they don't stink too badly.
-I think he's making up these reasons, before I came along he didn't care enough to keep the cages clean, sooo I think he just dislikes animals in general.
But back on topic.
Did the birds like living in a big mess? Do they not like that I gave them a nice clean and unsmelly place to reside? Because I doubt they got freaked out by that storm last week, I mean they were safe from the flooding, yet...I think my troubles with them started soon after that.
My hands are all scratched up, pecked up, and bruised from their crazy antics. It's like I can't stick my hand into the cage to grab their food without them thinking I'm sort of cat trying to attack them. It's horrible. I'm not trying to hurt them! Ugh. Dumb birds. Maybe they'll calm down after I terrorize them with banging and hammering to get new latches, to hold the gates up, installed so I don't have to worry about the gates banging down on my head every thirty seconds.
We will have to see. But whatever has the birds in a frenzy...I hope it goes away soon. We're going through a bird phase in the store where everyone seems to want one of some sort. Cockatiels, Finches, Doves, Parakeets, Parrots, all of them going to new homes it seems like.
And for every new home a bird gets, I get a new set of scratches to my hands. It's like they're purposely blinding me with feathers and wing beats, while they land on my hands and claw at them.  It's totally an unfair attack!

Yes, I hope this phase ends soon, otherwise I'll have to dig those old bite protector gloves out of the spiderwebs they're sitting in. And that...isn't going to happen unless I get super desperate. Who knows what lurks in those fingertips.


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