Saturday, August 24, 2013

~I have good news Fishy Thief!~ The girl exclaimed, a big smile on her face.
My gills flared in and out as I twisted from once more contemplating the yellow plant. ~Your mom has decided to let us all go out of the goodness of her heart, I bet.~ I responded.
She laughed and shook her head. ~Not quite the candy cane but close.~  
Close? She'd already informed me that Larry had recovered from his depression a couple of days ago. I still hadn't been able to tell which of the turtles in the case were him, but the news that he was taking to the slower pace had been good news to me. What else could be good news?
She grinned wider as I stayed silent. ~You're going to have to ask me what the good news is before I tell it to you. I do want to ask some questions today after all.~
I flicked my fins. ~I should have expected no freebies.~  Every conversation we'd had seemed to require me to ask questions at some point. ~Though I wish you wouldn't make me ask questions.~
She shrugged. ~Come on, Fishy Thief. Ask me. You'll be happy to hear the answer.~
~Maybe, but I won't be happy with whatever questions you ask me in return.~
~Just play the game Fishy Thief.~ she teased.
I couldn't help but mentally smile. I had to admit, I didn't mind the questions too much, convincing her that Billy was the leader had leveled off some of the questions in that direction. I could probably do this.
~Fine, What's the good news?~
~Sue has made the switch.~ She said immediately. 
Made the switch? My sail fin rose. ~She's joined John?~
Her eyes lit up and she nodded. ~Yah!~
This was good news. Frankly I had expected us to be stuck in our forms for a year. But to have Sue make the switch from being a dog to a rodent with John, already, when she'd stolen so many collars, harnesses, and leashes. This was good news. That had to mean the rest of us were getting closer to making the switch as well.
~When did this happen?~ I asked my excitement causing me to swim in little circles of happiness.
~This morning. Lemme tell you, she freaked out a bit, but overall I think she's happy to not be a dog anymore.~
I could understand that reaction. I was pretty sure I would freak out when it came time for me to change to. I hardly remembered what it felt like to blink, let alone have hands or feet. I'd been a fish for far too long.
~Does that mean the rest of us are close to making the change too?~ I asked swimming close to the glass.
She bit her lip. ~Uhh kinda.~
~That's not an answer.~
She threw up her hands. ~I can't give a better one, it depends on what the customers decide to buy. Some of you are closer then the others, but the ones not as close could catch up over night if the right things are sold.~
I wish I could frown. All I could do was mouth at her. ~Well, who's the closest if all goes well?~ I demanded.
~Larry would be.~ she exhaled. ~He's been on the brink for a couple of weeks now. But reptile sells are low.~ She bit her lip. ~Sue was pretty far down, but everyone and their mom decided to get a puppy. That meant her sells soared allowing her to change first.~
Puppies meant leashes, collars. That made sense. ~Oh,~ so I couldn't plan for who to change next. That was depressing. Just like the girl refusing to tell me which animals my crew were. That was her mom's prerogative not hers.
She sensed my disappointment. ~All I can tell you is that Larry is closest for now.~
 I bobbed my body up and down in understanding. ~Well, I'm glad one of us finally made the change. I was beginning to think it would never happen.~
~With as much stuff as you guys stole I was beginning to think the same thing.~ She winked at me.


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