Thursday, August 22, 2013

He Did What Now?

Steel figured it out!
Why the fire alarms in the city all went berserk.
I have to admit, this is why I think this guy is awesome!
He thinks. He doesn't just go into battles with fists flying. No, he uses his head.
Steel had all the technos in the tower look at the alarm systems.
And you know what they found?
Well, they didn't notice anything, but Steel did when he looked at all the footage they had gathered.
You know how most fire alarms have flashing lights? Well, Steel saw that they weren't the same brightness. Some areas they were like a dying bulb, and in others they were shining like the sun. He noticed that brighter bulbs were concentrated around a certain area of the city.
And when he flew there, do you know what he found? A noxious cloud of flammable gas in the old history museum!
Seriously, I don't know why Surge would do anything in that place. I mean, it was abandoned before I was born. There was nothing there. Not even Surge was present! After searching the entire building all Steel found was the cloud of green colored gas swirling in a deep pit. Apparently the old museum used to be a popular swim hole for kids in the 30s, and they never covered up the pit that had been the pool when that closed down. No, they just locked the door to that part of the building.
I bet the owners wished they had covered up that pit. Because whatever that mad mixture was that Surge mixed didn't react to wind. It was like solid gas. But not. Totally icing strange! Toxic, doesn't move. one wrong move with an open flame and BOOM! Bye bye old history museum.
Without Surge there, Steel had no idea if this thing was set to ignite or not. So he had to take matters into his own hands. Acting fast, Steel emptied the building of everything 'important.' Like, historical records, fossils, old displays. Things that had been left to gather dust when the place closed down when Steel was just a kid.
Then, Steel had some of the Bounder Supers make a giant force field over the building -they're called bounders because they can 'bind' things...yah, it doesn't make much sense to me either. In any case the Bounders made a force field. With the all clear, Steel ignited the gas!
BOOM! Steel blew up the old museum.
Which while, it destroyed a historical building, it saved who knows how many lives. Because there was enough gas there to level half the city. CRAZY! No wonder Surge didn't want to be anywhere near there. Who knows if even he could survive an explosion like that.
But! Here's the kicker! Surge's plan backfired. Because you know what Steel discovered?
Buried Treasure!
No. I'm not kidding. It's totally true, I touched one of the gold bricks myself.
It was like discovering a pirate's horde. A buried room full of treasures dating back to before the Revolutionary War with Britain. It was icing crazy! Totally a National Treasure sort of moment.
They're still doing research on how the gold, diamonds, and silver got to be buried there, but in any case, the money from that can go to build a much better museum! One that won't ever close down. This is totally why Steel is my icing hero! He's not keeping the treasure for himself. (unlike Devoto he doesn't seek rewards) He donated the find. He barely claimed one gold brick. One! And only because the city forced it upon him in thanks. He said it was for them, to build a better museum. That everyone deserves to know their history. So cool.
I hear the new curators are going to use the gold to get some real dinosaur bones in, a piece of the titanic, even some rare works of art with the treasure. Ha, and it won't surprise me at all if they build a 'hero' wing as well full of super hero mementos from different battles. Oh man! Can Steel get any cooler? I totally bet he can.

Though I do have to wonder, what was Surge planning to do with the gas? Did Steel finally figure out a plan before Surge was ready to unleash it upon him? Why else would he not be there? Maybe that last battle where Steel took those 'power controlling cuffs' finally shook the guy.


--> Issac

1 comment:

  1. One: Wow, for being a 'comic nerd.' You don't know much about the Bounders do you? They can create force fields, Sac. They can bind them to objects and leave them there forever or just temporarily. They're useful in stopping leaks, holding objects together, etc.

    Two: Of Course Steel figured it out. He's not on the council just for his flying abilities

    Three: Seriously? You're making it sound like I'm a villain. It's just a watch Sac. Chillax about it.
