Thursday, June 27, 2013

A New Class

Oh man. The tower just got cool again!
With the tower being so big, they have nearly every subject under the sun squirreled away somewhere in this place. With almost as many classes for those interested in whatever subject they stumbled upon.
Well, with the recent mishap in the tower. Every means available is being used to figure out how to fix the council, and most of all, how to stop Surge from doing it again.
So guess what! There is a class on Surge!

This is totally down my alley! I mean, I've read all the comic books on his adventures, followed every battle that has been mentioned publicly, Plus! I just happen to have a collar made by him around my neck for study.

I really hope that they don't study the collar much, I really just want to hear all the stories that haven't been made public. Get first hand accounts from Steel himself on Surge's words, actions, deeds, crimes, etc.

Seriously. How cool is it to have Steel coming into the class and telling us more about his battles with Surge? It's Seriously Epically ICING COOL!
And maybe, just maybe I'll be able to see something that the others haven't. Find a clue that the supers miss because I haven't grown up in the tower. That's the point of this whole class, to let others look at Surge and see if they can figure out what the motive or motives are. What is overall plan is, if he has one.

This could be so much fun! I mean, I've already learned so much for the first day! And Surge isn't just a run of the mill villain. Oh no. There's so much!

Like, did you know that Steel wasn't Surge's first hero nemesis?

No, the head of the council, himself fought Surge in the very beginning!

Did you know that? Captain fought Surge!
Oh wow.
I didn't icing  know that.
Did you know that?

I mean, it's been Steel and Surge for so long. There isn't even any mention of any other super fighting him in the comic books! What villain switches what hero they fight? Surely it's always just one on one, until the bad guy is put way permanently right?

Wrong, apparently.

I'm even more iced over with interest, knowing that Surge finally got the upper hand on the Captain. Since the Captain is currently screaming his way around the council room with mashed potatoes all over his face....


--> Issac


  1. Okay, I gotta ask. What's the deal with this "iced" "icing" thing?

  2. Do they not use that where you're from? That's weird. Icing weird. It's, well, it's hard to explain, it's just a word we use here. Well, I use here, I suppose. The supers don't use it either, though it's very common in my home town. Iced or Icing is a lot like using 'totally, flipping. freaking, super, so' before words like Awesome or Cool. We actually started using it at my high school to say that something was 'super cool.' So we'd use "Ice cool." or "Icing cool" just to mean that, it's beyond cool. We thought it was fun to make 'cool' even 'colder.' And it sort of spiraled from there. So the term "I'm iced over with excitement." could mean "I'm over the moon." also meaning "this is so exciting I can't take it!" Of course if you use the term with a crevice, it can take on a different meaning. "I'm iced to the crevice." or "I'm slipping into the icing crevice." or "Well this crevice is iced." It basically means "Well I'm screwed." So Iced or Icing can mean "this is Awesome!" or "I'm so screwed" depending on context. Make sense?

  3. Hm, fascinating. I love watching the way language evolves!

  4. Surge switching heroes... doesn't that make a little nervous for yourself? Since you now have his collar around your neck?

  5. At the very most I would be a 'hero-in-training' and unless he wants to take me to some dark corner and brainwash me to his side, well let's say it's not likely he'll switch to me. I think I'll be more concerned if I do end up with powers and they can't get this collar off my neck.

  6. Ha. Totally down your alley? Yes. Yes it is. But give the rest of us a chance. We'll figure Surge out once we have enough pieces to connect it all. Just wait and see.
