Saturday, June 15, 2013

Vengence By Iris Clearwater

I thought that, for those of you--like Issac--who aren't quite up to date on Sonic Boom, I'd give some basic info about him so that you can properly understand how incredible he is--regardless of hunkiness.

Oh, and Issac, next time you disrespect Sonic, make sure your blog isn't so easy to hack. I mean, "STEELROCKS" as a password was completely predictable. I took the liberty of changing it for you.

Anyway, judging by his name, Sonic's super power is exactly what you might expect: He can fly so fast he creates SONIC BOOMS.

His speed is his greatest strength--I hear he can fly across the country in just under an hour, but that hasn't been confirmed. It's definitely faster than SOME super heroes, who fly at the speed of, what would you say Issac, a rampaging snail?

Anyway, if I ever get the chance to meet Sonic, I'll have to ask him.

While his speed is his main dish, Sonic's sonic booms carry their own sort of power. With them, he can, not only break the sound barrier, but get out of traps and that sort of thing. (What does Steel use, Issac? His fists? Incredibly cliche.)

If you are not up to par on how a sonic boom works, or are stuck in a tower that looks like a math symbol, here's a quick demo, using pictures I stole off of Google. (Hey, I'm a hacker, not an artist!)

In this image what you're seeing is a jet (since, a jet is the best comparison the world has to Sonic). As you can see in the first panel, the motionless jet has no effect on sound (no duh). Once the jet starts moving, the air compresses, as do the sound waves. This creates a little bit of a distortion--the reason a jet flies by, and you hear it a moment later.

As you can see here, once a jet (or Sonic) really gets going, it passes through what's called the "sound barrier" (displayed in the image above as the thin wall). It's passing through this sound barrier that creates the giant BOOM that shatters glass and pops ear drums. Though, to note, the strength and tone of the sound depends on where the individual is standing. 

To move right along, it takes anywhere from a couple seconds to a full minute for the sound to reach the observer after flyover, and the boom is loudest directly under the flight path. Unless you are Issac, then it doesn't matter because hardly anything can get through that thick skull of his.

Wondering what a sonic boom sounds like? Wikipidia says it pretty well: sonic boom is the sound associated with the shock waves created by an object traveling through the air faster than the speed of sound. Sonic booms generate enormous amounts of sound energy, sounding much like an explosion. ... A sonic boom is usually heard as a deep double "boom" as the aircraft is usually some distance away. However, as those who have witnessed landings of space shuttles have heard, when the aircraft is nearby the sonic boom is a sharper "bang" or "crack".

After the jet (or Sonic) has broken through the sound barrier, they move faster than sound.
This is great because, up to an extent, Sonic can sneak up on his enemy if he's traveling fast enough. Before the sound of his flight catches up to him, I mean.

Fun fact: Did you know that when on board an aircraft that breaks the sound barrier, you won't actually hear the sonic boom? That's because, like the waves created by a ship, the sound waves are already behind you. That means Sonic never actually hears his own booms.

Beyond his excellent powers, Sonic's also a great human being. And yes, Issac, I mean that in the admiration sort of way--not the way we argued about earlier. Please.

If you still have doubts about who's better between Steel and Sonic Boom, Issac, please, insult Sonic again. I'd love for another chance to prove you wrong.

~Iris Clearwater 


  1. Naw, you two are so cute together!

  2. We are SO NOT 'cute' together. IRIS! GIVE ME BACK MY BLOG! What sort of icing password did you put on this thing?! It's got like twenty-three iced letters to it!

  3. *Rolls eyes at Ruby and Issac both* Vengeance isn't supposed to be cute. It's s'posed to be maniacal.
    Like this:
    MUAHAHAHHAHAHA. Issac you must figure it out on your own! MUAHAHAHAHA!

  4. HAHA! Someone hacked YOUR blog Sac? Oh man, I bet that's a blow to your ego right there. Good job Iris!

  5. I repeat, Devoto. Don't encourage her.
