Friday, August 30, 2013


Despite what Devoto thinks, I didn't stack all my furniture in front of the door. No, I'm resourceful. I just went and located the right room that stored extra locks and replaced them myself. So yes, Devoto you can break into my room again with more time and dedication.

I don't think he will though. Because he's already caught onto the flaw of my plan.
I have to leave my room.

And when the moment was right, Devoto struck. Right after dinner. He trapped me up to my neck in an ice cube! He was convinced that if I got cold enough I would use whatever ability I have to escape. Ha. It didn't happen. He was convinced for a bit that I was melting the ice, until he noticed the heater nearby. The melting stopped as soon as he moved me away from it.
No, I'll be lucky if I don't end up with another cold because of that all night experience.


--> Issac 


  1. Creative, Sac. Finding your own lock. Though why you didn't make your own is beyond me.

    And dude, seriously? It wasn't all night. It was more like three hours, and it did show that you do have some sort of powers. You didn't turn blue after all.

  2. Because I didn't want to have to move all the furniture every time I want to leave my room?

    1. Alright, you got a point there.
